Focusing On Issues We Find Offensive but Which Do Not Affect Non-Muslims Creates Confusion Concerning Aspects of Islam That Affect So-Called Infidels
Haddad’s Schmooze Fest with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Financier and Islamist Operative Sami al-Arian Shows His Inability to Discern Scholarship from Activism
Anti-Western Propaganda Destroys the Lives of Those It Holds Captive
The Student Newspaper Has Not Published a Story About the Firing of an Islamic Studies Professor Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Broad Implications for the United States from the First Accused Islamic Terrorist to Illegally Cross the Southern Border and Shoot an American for Jihad
Denial Remains the Order of the Day About the Lack of Freedom for Germany’s Dwindling Jewish Community
DEI Policies in North America Label Jews as Oppressors and Islamist Terrorists as Marginalized Victims
Perhaps He Believes That Pointing a Finger at the Jews Will Divert Muslim Rage from the Vatican.
The “Woke Right” Threatens America First with Isolationist Policies and Antisemitic Rhetoric That Undermine Its Patriotic Foundations
In Early November Spain Refused to Allow a U.S.-Flagged Ship to Dock at Its Ports, Alleging It Was Carrying Military Supplies to Israel
From Medieval Scapegoating to Modern “Social Justice” Narratives, Antisemitism Evolves but Endures, Targeting Jews as Universal Villains in Shifting Ideological Frameworks
The Physical Hunt for Jews Has Begun in Amsterdam
Does the President’s Resolve That a Soccer Game with an Israeli Team Go On Represent His Definitive Stance on the Issue or Just Another Political Pivot?
Antisemitic Propaganda in the Arab World Continues to Brainwash Tens of Millions of Arabs Who Believe Whatever They Are Told About Jews
A Civilization That Loses Its Jews Inevitably Condemns Itself to Death
The Slow Bleeding to Death of the Jewish State Is Part of Iran’s Ambition to Lead an Alliance of Islamic Governance
The Expressed Anti-american, Anti-Israel, and Antisemitic Sentiment Is Nothing New Among Middle East Studies Professors.
Events unfolding in Denver serve as a cautionary tale, illustrating a movement rooted not in a sincere quest for justice, but in a troubling mix of ignorance and radicalism.