
The Conversation Surrounding Foreign Influence in Education Must Shift From Passive Concern to Active Resistance Before It Is Too Late.
[T]he Whole Complex Process of European Expansion and Empire … Has Its Roots in the Clash of Islam and Christendom
Pro-Hamas, Anti-jewish College Demonstrators Here on Visas Are on Notice That Their U.S. Welcome Is Over, Even with Expected Lawsuits
It Encapsulates the Misrepresentations and Errors of History That Have Caused the West to Become Clueless About the Roots of Its Conflict with the Islam
DEI Policies in North America Label Jews as Oppressors and Islamist Terrorists as Marginalized Victims
If College Students Calling for a Boycott of All Things Israel Want to Live Up to Their Rhetoric, They Will End up Sick, Hungry, and Underemployed
Columbia, Not Just a Campus Anymore, Has Turned into a Caliphate; Sinwar Could Make the Dean’s List
The Expressed Anti-american, Anti-Israel, and Antisemitic Sentiment Is Nothing New Among Middle East Studies Professors.
A Colombian Immigrant’s Journey Through Cultural Identity, Zionism, and the Backlash Post-October 7
Attempts to Portray the Fight Against Campus Antisemitism as a Form of Political Subterfuge Are Profoundly Dangerous
Western culture has to be destroyed by teaching our children that it was the source of all evil in the world
Leading Iranian regime operatives played a key role organizing student anti-Israel protests, an investigation by FWI reveals.

In early July, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence alleged that “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza ... We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”