
At least 46 percent of foreign-born Muslims in France want to adopt Sharia law into the country’s legal system.
A New Book Chronicles the Fascinating History of Arab Immigration to America
Trump May Believe Transferring Palestinians from Gaza Will Bring Peace, but the History of Population Transfer Suggests Such Expectations Are Unrealistic
CAIR Encourages Illegal Immigrants to Evade Law Enforcement
Watch for the Return of a Bigger, Improved Version of the Misnamed ‘Muslim Travel Ban’
The Executive Order’s Central Thrust Is to Restore, Repair, and Expand National Security Vetting Across Every Agency That Might Touch Immigration
A trail of blood runs through Europe’s cities, as more and more places, even the most idyllic and sleepy, turn into crime scenes. A trail of migrants runs through the list of perpetrators.
Pro-Hamas, Anti-jewish College Demonstrators Here on Visas Are on Notice That Their U.S. Welcome Is Over, Even with Expected Lawsuits
Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan Allegedly Plotted to Bomb Israeli Consulate in NYC
White Women Were and Continue to Be Seen as Sexually Promiscuous by Nature — Essentially ‘Provoking’ Muslim Men Into Lusting After and Raping Them
How Might the Incoming Second Administration of Donald Trump Reduce the Threat of Attacks with Millions of Foreign Strangers Already Inside the U.S.?
Missed Warning Signs and Unanswered Questions Surround Abdallahi’s Violent Path to Terrorism in Chicago, Highlighting Critical Gaps in Border Security and Investigative Transparency
Broad Implications for the United States from the First Accused Islamic Terrorist to Illegally Cross the Southern Border and Shoot an American for Jihad
They Despise Celebrations Not Sanctioned by Islam and See Christmas as a Crime Against Allah
‘We Must Have More Children than the Christians … to Destroy Them Here’
Americans Deserve a Full-Scale Investigation Into What Happened in Chicago and How to Prevent the Next Open-Borders-Enabled Attack on U.S. Soil
The Migration Research Institute in Budapest, Affiliated with the Renowned Matthias Corvinus College, Estimates 900 No-Go Zones Across Europe, a Stark Consequence of Open-Border Policies.
The Physical Hunt for Jews Has Begun in Amsterdam
The Misnamed ‘Muslim Ban’ Sharply Curtailed Immigrant and Non-immigrant U.S. Visas for Foreign Nationals from 13 Nations