Tell the Senate to Oppose Arms Sales to Qatar

Qatar’s emir paying fealty to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in 2010.

Qatar’s government foments regional unrest, funds terrorists, and supports Iran. Despite this, the emirate’s massive lobbying efforts have proven effective, and the U.S. now plans to supply it with advanced military equipment.

Specifically, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress last month of its intent to sell 24 Apache Attack helicopters and related equipment to Qatar for an estimated $3 billion.

Making these weapons available to Qatar imperils the United States. The Qataris might turn them over to Iran or make them available to Sunni Islamist forces in other Middle Eastern countries, scenarios the Pentagon myopically refuses to consider.

It’s Time to Send a Message to Qatar
Qatar: U.S. Ally or Global Menace?
Qatar’s Resident Islamists
Hedging Radical Islam
Examining Qatar’s Influence
A Cautious Alliance
President Trump and Qatar
Doha Miseducates America
The Three Faces of Al Jazeera

This isn’t just a U.S. concern.

A coalition of moderate Arab governments has cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar due to its support for organizations such as al-Qaeda, Hamas, and ISIS; its close ties to the mullahs in Iran; and the role of Al-Jazeera and other state-controlled Qatari media in fanning the flames of regional unrest.

Please contact both your senators to let them know that you oppose the sale of American weapons to Qatar. Ask that they vote for the discharge petition related to Senate Joint Resolution 26, which will bring it to a floor vote.

Personalize Your Message: Email

Find your senator’s email address here.

Rely on this template if needed:

Dear Senator [last name],

My name is [first and last name] and I am a resident of [town, state]. I’m writing to ask that you support a ban on the sale of American weapons to Qatar and vote for the discharge petition related to Senate Joint Resolution 26.

This is an important issue, to me as a constituent, as Qatar’s malign behavior continues to threaten peace and stability in the Middle East.

It’s important for the Senate to debate this issue and bring into the open the potential problems that would result if this sale to Qatar goes through. Voting for the discharge petition lets that debate happen.

The growing Qatar-Iranian relationship is troubling, and the possibility of U.S. weapons and weapon systems being sold to Qatar makes America less safe. The possibility that these weapon systems might end up in Iranian hands or be used against American allies in the region is real, and this resolution of disapproval is a vital first step in eliminating that threat.

The Senate must take a firm moral stance against arms sales to countries, like Qatar, that spread anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Semitic propaganda; fund the Muslim brotherhood; host terror organizations on their soil; cooperate with Iran; and otherwise offer aid and comfort to those seeking the annihilation of the Jewish state of Israel.

Please support the discharge petition and allow the Senate to openly and fully debate Senate Joint Resolution 26 and the important topic it covers.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

Personalize Your Message: Telephone

Find your senator’s telephone number here.

Rely on this template, if needed:

This is [first and last name] and I am a resident of [town, state]. I’m calling Senator [last name] to ask that s/he support a ban on the sale of American weapons to Qatar and vote for the discharge petition related to Senate Joint Resolution 26.

The growing Qatar-Iranian relationship is troubling, and the possibility of U.S. weapons and weapon systems being sold to Qatar makes America less safe. The possibility that these weapon systems might be used against American allies in the region or end up in Iranian hands is real, and this resolution of disapproval is a vital first step in eliminating that threat.

Please support the discharge petition and allow the Senate to openly and fully debate Senate Joint Resolution 26, as Qatar’s malign behavior continues to threaten peace and stability in the Middle East.

The Middle East Forum promotes American interests through activist, intellectual, and philanthropic efforts.

For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Gregg Roman, Director

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