Middle East Forum
Board of Governors


President: Daniel Pipes
Chairman: Scott Rosenblum
Vice Chairman: Richard Irving
Treasurer: Lawrence Hollin
Secretary: Gregg Roman

Executive Committee

Chairman: Scott Rosenblum
Nordahl Brue
Stephen Gerzof
Gaye Slater Gross
Kevin Hoberman
Lawrence Hollin
Richard Irving
Joshua Katzen
Andrew Lappin
Steven Levy
Harley Lippman
Daniel Pipes
Judith Friedman Rosen
David P. Steinmann

Board of Governors

William Comanor
David E. Edman
Marc Epstein
Donald G. Ginsberg
Brian Grodman
Warren Grover
Ariel Grunberg
Kenneth Honig
Robert Immerman
Georgette Joffe
Lawrence J. Kanter
Timothy Kapshandy
Arthur Karafin
Joshua Landes
Joel Levine
Robert J. Levine
Peter B. Levy
Margo Spitz Marbut
Adam Milstein
Dror Nir
James Pollack
Adrienne Price
Rick Richman
Howard Rosenbloom
Josiah Rotenberg
Melissa Schneider
Milton S. Schneider
James H. M. Sprayregen
Hilary Till

Founders Board

Dr. Yehuda Baskin
Sam E. Beller
Richard Calmas
Roger A. Gerber, Esq.
Benjamin H. Gordon
James Kahn
David J. Kudish
Murray S. Levin
Michael Mooreville
Herbert J. Nevyas
Mark H. Rubin
William Seltzer
Joseph Shafran
David Shifrin
Orna Shulman
Marilyn Stern
Jonathan Torop
George A. Violin
Michael A. Weiss
Maxine Wolf
Joseph S. Zuritsky

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