Tommy Robinson Invited to America

PHILADELPHIA – October 24, 2018 – The Middle East Forum has, in conjunction with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, invited activist and journalist Tommy Robinson to the United States.

In addition, Rep. Paul Gosar (Republican of Arizona) and six other members of Congress have invited Mr. Robinson to speak to the Conservative Opportunity Society in a closed-door event.

Assuming all the legal issues are sorted out, he will address the public in Washington, D.C. on November 14. Americans will then have a chance to hear Mr. Robinson, a long-time target of UK authorities attempting to silence criticism of Islamism, about his first-hand experience confronting radical Islam and his cautionary tale about political correctness run amok.

The Forum first sprung to the defense of Mr. Robinson’s rights last May when he was arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to 13 months prison, and jailed – all in the course of five hours – after covering a rape grooming trial involving Muslim defendants in England.

On August 1, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales threw out his conviction and released him from prison, citing a lack of due process. A re-trial was ordered and Mr. Robinson is currently free on bail after a London judge referred the case to the UK Attorney General, saying it was too complex an issue for him to decide on his own.

“Mr. Robinson titled his autobiography Enemy of the State and that title is dismayingly apt,” notes MEF counselor and Legal Project director Marc Fink. “The UK government and press have come down hard on him by way of conveying a general message: discuss Islamic issues with caution. This could be a warning to Americans too, as some voices here argue that ‘hate speech’ should not enjoy First Amendment protection. Is Mr. Robinson’s plight America’s future?”

The Middle East Forum will continue to support Mr. Robinson personally, as well as the general right to publicly discuss controversial subjects – including those related to Islam – without facing legal jeopardy.

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The Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum promotes American interests and works to protect Western civilization from the threat of Islamism.

For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Gregg Roman, Director

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