Writings by Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi

Articles by MEF Staff and Fellows
Title Publication Date
Islamic State Claims Oman Attack SubstackJuly 17, 2024
Jihadist Groups in Gaza: The Nasir Salah al-Din Brigades SubstackJuly 12, 2024
Behind the Idlib Protests SubstackMay 29, 2024
The Security Situation in the Syrian Badiya SubstackMay 20, 2024
Support for Gaza from Northwest Syria: The "Wage Jihad With Your Wealth" Campaign SubstackMay 6, 2024
Cognitive Egocentrism and the Palestinian Cause SubstackApril 29, 2024
Iran's Strikes on Israel SubstackApril 14, 2024
Defining Jihadism Gatestone InstituteApril 11, 2024
Report: al-Quds Day in the Aleppo Area SubstackApril 8, 2024
Overview of Some Recent Israeli Strikes on the IRGC and Hezbollah in Syria SubstackApril 3, 2024
Islamic State Claims Moscow Attack on "Christians" SubstackMarch 22, 2024
The Protests in al-Suwayda' Six Months Later: Interview SubstackMarch 6, 2024
Interview with Shaykh Muhammad al-Tamimi of Faylaq al-Wa'ad al-Sadiq SubstackFebruary 9, 2024
Kata'ib Hezbollah Announces Suspension of Operations Against the U.S. SubstackJanuary 30, 2024
The Islamic State's Attack on a Church in Istanbul SubstackJanuary 29, 2024
Support for the Houthis in Ramallah SubstackJanuary 14, 2024
Results of the Islamic State's "And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them" Expedition SubstackJanuary 12, 2024
The Islamic State Claims Suicide Bombings in Iran SubstackJanuary 4, 2024
The Pious Figures of al-Jazira SubstackJanuary 3, 2024
Scenes from Today's 'General Strike' in Bethlehem and Bayt Jala SubstackJanuary 3, 2024
Some Observations From Bethlehem This Christmas SubstackDecember 26, 2023
Jaysh al-Ummah Statement on Gaza: Overview and Analysis SubstackDecember 21, 2023
'The Islamic Resistance in Iraq'- A Brief Overview and Analysis SubstackNovember 25, 2023
The 'Confessions' of Elizabeth Tsurkov: Translation and Overview SubstackNovember 13, 2023
The Life of Wesam Ghareb of the 313 Force SubstackOctober 27, 2023
The Israel-Hamas Conflict: A Contrarian Syrian Druze Perspective SubstackOctober 19, 2023
A Brief Biography of Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi: The Islamic State's Third Caliph SubstackOctober 3, 2023
Syria on the Verge of Collapse? Gatestone InstituteSeptember 15, 2023
The Islamic State and Its Treatment of 'Out-Groups': A Comparative Analysis The Center for Jutice & AccountabilityAugust 2023
The Islamic State's Pillage Economy: The Policy of Confiscations The Center for Jutice & AccountabilityAugust 2023
A Brief Biography of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi: The Islamic State's Second Caliph SubstackSeptember 11, 2023
The Tribal Uprising Against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Dayr al-Zur: Interview SubstackSeptember 4, 2023
The Protests in al-Suwayda': Interview with Faz'at Shabab al-Jabal SubstackSeptember 3, 2023
Caliphs of the Shadows: The Islamic State's Leaders Post-Mawla CTC SentinelAugust 2023
The Protests in al-Suwayda' (II): Rijal al-Karama Perspective SubstackAugust 24, 2023
The New Round of Protests in al-Suwayda': Statement from Faz'at Fakhr Faction SubstackAugust 23, 2023
New Speech by Islamic State Spokesman on Death of Caliph Abu al-Husayn al-Husayni al-Qurashi and Appointment of Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi SubstackAugust 4, 2023
The Disappearance of Princeton Student Elizabeth Tsurkov in Iraq SubstackJuly 10, 2023
The Islamic State is Alive and Well... In Africa Hoover InstitutionJune 6, 2023
Syria and Captagon: An Assessment Middle East ForumMay 25, 2023
A Critique of the Islamic State's Amn Khariji Apparatus and Strategy aymennjawad.orgMarch 15, 2019
The Local Council in Azaz aymennjawad.orgMarch 10, 2019
Liwa al-Ahrar: Local Defence Forces Unit aymennjawad.orgMarch 5, 2019
The Zilzal Groups: Interview aymennjawad.orgMarch 2, 2019
Hezbollah in the Homs Area: The Life of As'ad Muhammad Hussein aymennjawad.orgFebruary 28, 2019
Iraqi Refugees in North Aleppo Countryside aymennjawad.orgFebruary 17, 2019
Hayat Tahir al-Sham and al-Qaeda: Affiliates or Foes? FanackFebruary 14, 2019
The Arab Socialist Movement aymennjawad.orgFebruary 4, 2019
Hamas and Salafi Jihadi Groups Quilliam PerspectiveJanuary 28, 2019
The 313 Force:Local Defence Forces Unit aymennjawad.orgJanuary 23, 2019
Advice to the Deputy of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Translation and Analysis aymennjawad.orgJanuary 22, 2019
Hashd Formations of Iraq: Interview with Harakat Ahrar al-Iraq aymennjawad.orgJanuary 18, 2019
Dissent in the Islamic State: 'Hashimi Advice' to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aymennjawad.orgJanuary 4, 2019
Fawj Sheikh al-Jabal: Local Defence Forces Unit AymennJawad.orgDecember 22, 2018
The Islamic State Research Office's Self-History AymennJawad.orgDecember 4, 2018
Islamic State Divided: Competing Theological and Ideological Trends AymennJawad.orgNovember 23, 2018
Hezbollah Recruitment in Eastern Deraa? Middle East Center for Analysis and ReportingNovember 13, 2018
Internal Report on Extremism in the Islamic State AymennJawad.orgNovember 1, 2018
Why Do Middle East Studies Academics Want to Hide ISIS Documents? History News NetworkOctober 8, 2018
Islamic State Shifts from Provinces and Governance to Global Insurgency International Peace Institute: Global ObservatorySeptember 26, 2018
In Syria, It's Either Reconciliation or Annexation The American SpectatorAugust 23, 2018
Thoughts On Southern Syria Syria CommentJune 24, 2018
Reconciliation in Syria: The case of Beit Jann Middle East Center for Analysis and ReportingMay 22, 2018
Iran in Syria: "Cognitive Empathy" and Interests Syria CommentMay 13, 2018
Beit Jann: Myths and Reality Syria CommentJanuary 2, 2018
Success for al-Qaeda in Syria? Perspectives on TerrorismDecember 18, 2017
Should the U.S. Military Stay in Syria after ISIS? The Jerusalem PostNovember 26, 2017
The U.S. Must Rethink Its Yemen Policy The American SpectatorNovember 24, 2017
Iraqi Kurdistan's Crisis: A Failure of Strategy The American SpectatorOctober 22, 2017
The Islamic State and the Kurds: The Documentary Evidence CTC SentinelSeptember 21, 2017
Iran Doesn't Need a Land Route to the Mediterranean The American SpectatorAugust 22, 2017
Syria: Assessing the CIA Program The American SpectatorAugust 7, 2017
The Myth of ISIS's Strategic Brilliance The AtlanticJuly 20, 2017
Journeys to Mosul Middle East Review of International AffairsJune 15, 2017
The Rise of Katibat Dir' al-Watan: A Journey to the Lebanon-Syria Border Areas The Atlantic CouncilJune 6, 2017
Can ISIS Survive the Caliphate's Collapse? BICOMMay 16, 2017
'Reconciliation' in Syria: The Case of Al-Sanamayn Syria CommentApril 27, 2017
Katibat Dir' al-Watan: New Sub-Unit of the Fifth Legion Syria CommentApril 13, 2017
Syria Strikes Fine for Limited Deterrence, but Avoid Mission Creep Middle East EyeApril 7, 2017
Myths, Militias, and the Future of Syria AswaatApril 2017
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq September-October 2016
The Syrian Civil War & Demographic Change Syria DeeplyMarch 15, 2017
Liwa al-Mukhtar al-Thiqfi: Syrian IRGC Militia Syria CommentMarch 8, 2017
The Formation of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham and Wider Tensions in Syria's Insurgency Combating Terrorism Center (West Point)February 22, 2017
Vilifying Syria's Kurds II: A Second Response to Roy Gutman Syria CommentFebruary 13, 2017
Vilifying Syria's Kurds: A Response to Roy Gutman Syria CommentFebruary 11, 2017
Liwa Al-Jabal: A New Loyalist Militia Unity Initiative In Suwayda' Syria CommentJanuary 19, 2017
It's Time for Realism in Syria, President-elect Donald Trump The HillDecember 23, 2016
Saraya Al-Tawheed: A Pro-Assad Druze Militia in Lebanon and Syria Syria CommentDecember 5, 2016
Governance in Islamic State Provinces Beyond Iraq and Syria The Washington Institute for Near East PolicyNovember 2016
Kata'ib Humat al-Diyar: A Prominent Loyalist Militia in Suwayda' Syria CommentNovember 26, 2016
New Dar al-Qada Decree to 'Newly Muslim' Ex-Druze of Jabal al-Summaq Atlantic CouncilNovember 14, 2016
Dissent in the Islamic State: Abu al-Faruq al-Masri's 'Message on the Manhaj' Combating Terrorism Center (West Point)October 31, 2016
Stories of the Mujahideen: Women of the Islamic State JihadologyOctober 17, 2016
Labawat al-Jabal: A Female Syrian Druze Militia Syria CommentOctober 14, 2016
Liwa al-Imam Zain al-Abidain: Building a 'Resistance' in Eastern Syria Syria CommentSeptember 18, 2016
Liwa Sayf al-Haq Assad Allah al-Ghalib: A Republican Guard Militia in Sayyida Zainab Syria CommentSeptember 16, 2016
Quwat Dir' Al-Amn Al-Askari: A Latakia Military Intelligence Militia Syria CommentSeptember 3, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq August 1–August 31, 2016
Fawj Maghawir al-Badiya: A Syrian Military Intelligence Branch Militia Syria CommentAugust 30, 2016
'Stories of the Mujahideen': Unseen Islamic State Biographies JihadologyAugust 24, 2016
Al-Qa'ida Uncoupling: Jabhat al-Nusra's Rebranding as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham CTC SentinelAugust 22, 2016
Syrian Hezbollah Militias of Nubl and Zahara' Syria CommentAugust 15, 2016
Liwa Sayf al-Mahdi: A Syrian Army Shi'i Militia Syria CommentAugust 6, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq June 1–July 31, 2016
Liwa al-Imam al-Mahdi: A Syrian Hezbollah Formation Syria CommentJuly 23, 2016
Kata'ib al-Jabalawi: A Pro-Assad Militia from Homs Syria CommentJuly 19, 2016
Quwat al-Ghadab: A Pro-Assad Christian Militia in Suqaylabiyah Syria CommentJuly 3, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq April 1–May 31, 2016
The 'Martyrs' of Liwa al-Sayyida Ruqayya (The Ja'afari Force) Syria CommentMay 29, 2016
The Local Defence Forces: Regime Auxiliary Forces in Aleppo Syria CommentMay 23, 2016
The Leopards of Homs: A Pro-Assad Militia Syria CommentMay 15, 2016
The Jihadi Threat on Israel's Northern Border Middle East Review of International AffairsMay 15, 2016
Liwa al-Jalil: A New Pro-Assad Palestinian Militia Syria CommentMay 6, 2016
A Caliphate Under Strain: The Documentary Evidence CTC SentinelApril 22, 2016
Unseen Islamic State Military Commanders Manual: Qualities and Manners of the Mujahid Commander JihadologyApril 11, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq March 1–March 31, 2016
Loss of Palmyra Reveals Islamic State Weakness The Daily BeastMarch 28, 2016
The Fitna in Deraa and the Islamic State Angle JihadologyMarch 26, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq February 1–February 29, 2016
Harakat al-Hawiya al-Arabiya al-Druziya: Defending Druze Identity in Suwayda' Syria CommentMarch 6, 2016
The Dir' al-Watan Brand: Liwa Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi Syria CommentFebruary 26, 2016
Liwa Dir' al-Watan: A New Pro-Assad Militia in Damascus Syria CommentFebruary 24, 2016
Liwa Usud al-Hussein: A New Pro-Assad Militia in Latakia Syria CommentFebruary 19, 2016
The Life of al-Khal: First Leader of Liwa Shuhada' al-Yarmouk Syria CommentFebruary 14, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq January 1–January 31, 2016
Is ISIS Good at Governing? The Brookings InstitutionFebruary 3, 2016
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq November 1–December 31, 2015
The Syrian National Resistance: Liwa Khaybar Syria CommentJanuary 3, 2016
Quwat al-Jalil: A Pro-Assad Palestinian Syrian Militia Syria CommentDecember 23, 2015
'Until Our Hearts Submit To The Shari'a': Da'wa Pamphlet from Jabhat al-Nusra JihadologyDecember 21, 2015
Syrian Insurgent Factions of North Latakia Syria CommentDecember 10, 2015
Principles in the Administration of the Islamic State: Full Text and Translation The GuardianDecember 7, 2015
The Paris Attacks Reflect Intelligence Failure, Not Change in ISIS Strategy The Huffington PostNovember 20, 2015
Is Assad's Russian-Backed Offensive in Syria Paying Off? Syria DeeplyNovember 11, 2015
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq October 1–October 31, 2015
New Mobilization Calls By the Islamic State in Aleppo Province JihadologyOctober 30, 2015
Rijal al-Karama after Sheikh Abu Fahad Waheed al-Bal'ous' Assassination Syria CommentOctober 26, 2015
Talking to the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade Syria DeeplyOctober 13, 2015
Unseen Documents from the Islamic State's Diwan al-Rikaz JihadologyOctober 12, 2015
Unseen Islamic State Financial Accounts for Deir az-Zor Province JihadologyOctober 5, 2015
Al Nusra Atrocities against Syrian Druze Belie Its Rebranding Foreign AffairsOctober 5, 2015
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq various publicationsSeptember 1–September 30, 2015
Unseen Islamic State Fatwas on Jihad and Sabaya JihadologySeptember 25, 2015
Liwa Shuhada' al-Yarmouk: History and Analysis Syria CommentSeptember 18, 2015
Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa: History, Analysis & Interview Syria CommentSeptember 14, 2015
The Assassination of Sheikh Abu Fahad al-Bal'ous: Context and Analysis Syria CommentSeptember 5, 2015
Overview of Some Pro-Assad Militias Syria CommentSeptember 1, 2015
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq various publicationsAugust 1-August 31, 2015
Research on the Islamic State, Syria, and Iraq various publicationsJuly 1-July 31, 2015
Critical Analysis of the Islamic State's Health Department JihadologyAugust 27, 2015
Liwa al-Sayyida Ruqayya: Recruiting the Shi'a of Damascus Syria CommentAugust 12, 2015
America Should Aim to Contain, not Destroy, ISIS The Huffington PostAugust 12, 2015
The New Druze Militia Factions of Suwayda Province Syria CommentAugust 8, 2015
The Evolution in Islamic State Administration: The Documentary Evidence Perspectives on TerrorismAugust 5, 2015
The Coastal Shield Brigade: A New Pro-Assad Militia Syria CommentJuly 23, 2015
The Islamic State Caliphate Turns One The Huffington PostJuly 1, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsJune 1-June 30, 2015
Islamic State: The Myth of a Baathist 'Hidden Hand' IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency MonitorJune 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsApril 1-May 15, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsMarch 16-31, 2015
Is ISIS Islamic? JihadologyApril 3, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsFebruary 16 - March 15, 2015
The Return of Iraqi Shi'i Militias to Syria The Middle East InstituteMarch 16, 2015
The U.S. Anti-ISIS Strategy's True Cost The Daily BeastMarch 2, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsFebruary 1-15, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsJanuary 15-31, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsJanuary 1-15, 2015
Who's to Blame in Iraq? Part II: The Sunni Side Foreign PolicyJanuary 8, 2015
Who's to Blame in Iraq? Part I: The Shi'a Side Foreign PolicyJanuary 7, 2015
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsDecember 16-31, 2014
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsNovember 16 - December 15, 2014
Iran and the Shia Militias Advance in Iraq The TowerDecember 2014
Research on the Islamic State various publicationsNovember 1-15, 2014
Can Islamic State Survive without Baghdadi? BBCNovember 10, 2014
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Message as Caliph Gatestone InstituteJuly 2, 2014
Iraq Needs Unity, Not Partition The Daily BeastJune 27, 2014
Syria's ISIS Crucifying Opponents, Justifying Horror with Quran Passages PJ MediaMay 27, 2014
The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham's dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province Syria CommentFebruary 26, 2014
Anatomy of militant groups reveals Iraq's different challenges The National (UAE)February 12, 2014
The Assad Regime and Jihadis: Collaborators and Allies? Syria CommentFebruary 11, 2014
ISIS and al-Qaeda compete for supremacy in global jihad Al-MonitorFebruary 11, 2014
The Dawn of the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham Current Trends in Islamist IdeologyJanuary 27, 2014
Comprehensive Reference Guide to Sunni Militant Groups in Iraq JihadologyJanuary 23, 2014
Iraq: Has Brotherhood Hijacked Protests? Islamist GateJanuary 18, 2014
The Arab Nationalist Guard: A Pro-Assad Militia Brown MosesDecember 31, 2013
The Syrian rebel groups pulling in foreign fighters BBCDecember 24, 2013
Moroccan ex-Guantánamo Detainee Mohammed Mizouz Identified In Syria Syria CommentDecember 22, 2013
The Factions of Abu Kamal Brown MosesDecember 18, 2013
Muhajireen Battalions in Syria JihadologyDecember 13, 2013
The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham MERIADecember 11, 2013
The Druze Militias of Southern Syria Syria CommentNovember 13, 2013
Reza Aslan: Authority on Islam and the Middle East? FrontPageMagazine.comOctober 11, 2013
Moroccan Ex-Guantánamo Detainees Fighting in Syria's Civil War JihadologySeptember 18, 2013
Bay'ah to Baghdadi: Foreign [Ideological] Support for Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham JihadologyAugust 22, 2013
Pessimism clouds any survey of Islamist protests in Iraq The National (UAE)August 19, 2013
Iraq offers little historical precedent in the Syrian crisis The National (UAE)August 13, 2013
Al-Qaeda Expands into Northern Syria Syria CommentJuly 18, 2013
Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas JihadologyMay 6, 2013
Behind the Iraq Protests The American SpectatorApril 18, 2013
Turkey, Iraq, and Oil The American SpectatorApril 5, 2013
Jihad in Syria, Part II Syria CommentMarch 25, 2013
Jihad in Syria Syria CommentMarch 20, 2013
Sunni Reachout to the Shia Crescent The American SpectatorMarch 7, 2013
Politics undermine Iraq's judiciary The Daily Star (Beirut)February 26, 2013
'Was the Iraq war worth it?' is a question unworthy of debate The IndependentFebruary 11, 2013
The U.S. versus the 'Shi'ite Crescent'? The Jerusalem PostFebruary 5, 2013
Anti-Islamism in an Islamic Civil War The American SpectatorJanuary 24, 2013
Is an Alawite state Assad's Plan B? The IndependentJanuary 7, 2013
Iraq: Playing the Sectarian Crisis Card The American SpectatorJanuary 2, 2013
What Happened in Aqrab, Syria? The Jerusalem PostDecember 27, 2012
Iraq: One Year After Withdrawal The American SpectatorDecember 18, 2012
Analyzing Egypt The American SpectatorDecember 13, 2012
Syria's Assyrians, caught in the middle The Daily Star (Beirut)December 7, 2012
A Hamas Divided The American SpectatorNovember 19, 2012
Syria: Spillover into Iraq? The Jerusalem PostNovember 18, 2012
Violence in Iraq GLORIAFall 2012
Kurdish Rivalries in Syria The American SpectatorNovember 8, 2012
Christians in Syria The Henry Jackson SocietyNovember 2012
Civil War in Lebanon? The American SpectatorOctober 30, 2012
Looking at Tunisia The American SpectatorOctober 18, 2012
Analyzing Aleppo The American SpectatorOctober 8, 2012
Libya in the Aftermath The American SpectatorSeptember 28, 2012
The Syrian Civil War National Review OnlineSeptember 17, 2012
Libyan Islamists and the security forces: Iraq 2.0? The Jerusalem PostSeptember 5, 2012
Looking at violence in Iraq The Jerusalem PostAugust 21, 2012
Baghdad on the Nile Ha'aretzAugust 17, 2012
An Intifada in Fatah's Future The American SpectatorAugust 2, 2012
Syria's Kurds stand alone after rejecting rebels and regime The National (Abu Dhabi)July 23, 2012
Understanding the Situation in Syria The American SpectatorJuly 19, 2012
Rethinking Libya The American SpectatorJuly 12, 2012
Assessing the Maldives Gatestone InstituteJuly 2, 2012
Assessing Iraq's Oil Industry GLORIAJuly 1, 2012
What to expect from Egypt's Morsi Ha'aretzJune 29, 2012
Assad's Houla Propaganda - Part II Al-AyyamJune 25, 2012
No Confidence in Maliki? The American SpectatorJune 19, 2012
Assad's Houla Propaganda National Review OnlineJune 12, 2012
Moderate Indonesia? The American SpectatorJune 6, 2012
Iraq: A satellite state of Iran? The Jerusalem PostMay 30, 2012
Watching the new state of South Sudan fall into chaos Ha'aretzMay 18, 2012
Libya: Assessing Berber Prospects PJ MediaApril 28, 2012
Nizar Nayouf, al-Haqiqa, and Syrian Christians The American SpectatorApril 23, 2012
Syrian disinformation about Christian persecution Ha'aretzApril 6, 2012
Bashar's Iron Fist Goes Airborne and Thermobaric The American SpectatorApril 2, 2012
Can my enemy's enemy be my friend? Ha'aretzMarch 30, 2012
On Massacres and Motivations The American SpectatorMarch 28, 2012
Iraqi Kurdistan Without Blinders The American SpectatorMarch 22, 2012
Look at the big picture on Iraqi deaths The Daily Star (Beirut)February 27, 2012
Bashar's 'Iron Fist' The American SpectatorFebruary 21, 2012
Chaos: The new 'status quo' Ha'aretzFebruary 17, 2012
Demography Is Destiny in Syria The American SpectatorFebruary 6, 2012
The Dead Man and His Long Shadow The American SpectatorJanuary 16, 2012
Identity Among Middle East Christians The American SpectatorJanuary 5, 2012
The Coming Collapse of Yemen The American SpectatorDecember 27, 2011
Assessing the Surge in Iraq MERIADecember 22, 2011
The Failure of Secular and Liberal Egyptians The American SpectatorDecember 16, 2011
Iraq's violence is for Iraqis to tackle The Daily Star (Beirut)December 16, 2011
Sunni Realignments The American SpectatorDecember 9, 2011
Overviewing Shi'a-Sunni Conflicts Israel National NewsDecember 2, 2011
Avoiding the Islamist Stigma The American SpectatorNovember 29, 2011
Iraqi petroleum and the damage done The Daily Star (Beirut)November 21, 2011
Syria, Turkey and the Kurds Israel National NewsNovember 18, 2011
What Does "Moderate" Islamist Mean? The Jerusalem PostNovember 17, 2011
Military Intervention in the Arab Spring Israel National NewsNovember 10, 2011
Libya Heading Towards Islamism The American SpectatorNovember 9, 2011
Charlie Hebdo, Free Speech, and Islam The American SpectatorNovember 7, 2011
With U.S. Troops Leaving, Is Iraq a Democratic Country Now? PJ MediaNovember 2, 2011
Sudan in Crisis The American SpectatorNovember 1, 2011
Setting the Record Straight on the U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Iraq Pajamas MediaOctober 27, 2011
Qatar's Sunni Side The American SpectatorOctober 25, 2011
Explaining Iran's Approach Towards the Middle East The Jerusalem PostOctober 25, 2011
Preserving Iraq's Assyrians: Federalism Assyrian International News AgencyOctober 24, 2011
Will Nouri al-Maliki Survive His Second Term In Office? The Kurdish GlobeOctober 22, 2011
Assessing Bahrain The American SpectatorOctober 19, 2011
No, Syria won't plunge Iraq into war The Daily Star (Beirut)October 7, 2011
The Arab Spring and the Jews Israel National NewsOctober 6, 2011
Pakistan and China: Strengthening Ties The American SpectatorOctober 4, 2011
Security threat from Yemen? The Jerusalem PostOctober 3, 2011
Kurdish-Christian rivalries The Kurdistan TribuneSeptember 25, 2011
Iraq's politicians hover above the law The Daily Star (Beirut)September 20, 2011
Instability Spreading The American SpectatorSeptember 19, 2011
Panetta vs. U.S. Military on Iraq The American SpectatorSeptember 13, 2011
Libya Burning The American SpectatorSeptember 8, 2011
A Sectarian Issue The American SpectatorSeptember 7, 2011
Iraq goes the way of its Gulf neighbors The Daily Star (Beirut)August 26, 2011
A Guide to the Galaxy of Islamic Anti-Semitism Israel National NewsAugust 15, 2011
Spring comes, but not for Iraq's Kurds The Daily Star (Beirut)August 12, 2011
Middle Eastern Christians and anti-Semitism The Jerusalem PostAugust 2, 2011
North Sudan: What next? The Jerusalem PostJuly 11, 2011
Iraq's Oil Industry Hudson New YorkOctober 11, 2010
Juan Cole's Distortions Hudson New YorkOctober 4, 2010
Turkey's Future American ThinkerSeptember 25, 2010
Nation-Building: A Success in Iraq? Foreign Policy JournalSeptember 15, 2010
The Problem of Honor Killings Foreign Policy JournalSeptember 13, 2010
Focus on Yemen, Not Israel-Palestine Hudson New YorkSeptember 3, 2010
Iraq and the Middle Eastern Cold War American ThinkerAugust 21, 2010
Oppose the Ground Zero Mosque? American ThinkerAugust 3, 2010
Articles in Middle East Quarterly
Title Publication Date
No 'One Size Fits All': Iranian Influence Building in Syria Middle East QuarterlySummer 2024
Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan Middle East QuarterlyWinter 2012
Title Publication Date
Black Banners of ISIS: The Roots of the New Caliphate Middle East QuarterlyWinter 2018
Jihadism Transformed: Al-Qaeda and Islamic State's Global Battle of Ideas Middle East QuarterlyFall 2017
The Internationalization of ISIS: The Muslim State in Iraq and Syria Middle East QuarterlyWinter 2017
Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate Middle East QuarterlyFall 2016
Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins The American SpectatorMay 25, 2012
Middle East Forum Blog
Title Publication Date
'Martyrs' of Dir' al-Watan (V Corps) Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 27, 2018
Interview with YPG Spokesman Nouri Mahmoud Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 24, 2018
Dispatch: The Syrian Democratic Forces' Border Guards Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 20, 2018
The National Ideological Resistance and the Local Defence Forces Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 17, 2018
Fawj al-Karbala'i: Republican Guard Affiliate Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 1, 2018
Saraya al-Ra'ad: Idlib Local Defence Forces Affiliate Aymennjawad.orgDecember 26, 2017
Islamic State Advice on Attacks in 'Enemy Abode' Jihad IntelNovember 10, 2017
Katibat Ali Sultan: Syrian IRGC Group Aymennjawad.orgOctober 5, 2017
Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zinki Splits from Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham Jihad IntelJuly 20, 2017
Fawj Ra'ad al-Mahdi: East Aleppo Militia Expansion Aymennjawad.orgJune 18, 2017
Katibat Dir' al-Watan Nasheed: Translation and Analysis Aymennjawad.orgJune 17, 2017
The U.S.-Iranian confrontation on the Syria-Iraq Borders: Interview with an Iraqi Militia Official Aymennjawad.orgJune 10, 2017
"Dawlati Baqiya": New Nasheed from the Islamic State's Ajnad Media Aymennjawad.orgJune 7, 2017
Ansar al-Shari'a in Libya Dissolves Itself Jihad IntelMay 29, 2017
Licensing Exam for Islamic State Pharmacists Is No Cakewalk Aymennjawad.orgMay 7, 2017
"Heed the call"- New Nasheed from Islamic State's Ajnad Media Aymennjawad.orgMay 4, 2017
A Gazan Provincial Governor for the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgMarch 5, 2017
Black Syrians: The Case Of The Yarmouk Basin Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 19, 2017
Who's in a Photo? Identifying Jaysh Khalid bin al-Waleed Personnel Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 4, 2017
Jabhat Fatah al-Sham Shari'i Study Schedule in Jabal al-Summaq Aymennjawad.orgDecember 16, 2016
"The Convoy of Light": New nasheed from the Islamic State's Ajnad Media Aymennjawad.orgOctober 24, 2016
"The Convoy of Light" – New Nasheed from Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgOctober 24, 2016
Jabhat al-Nusra Statement on Druze of Jabal al-Summaq Aymennjawad.orgSeptember 5, 2016
Islamic State Responds to the Killing of Adnani Aymennjawad.orgAugust 30, 2016
What Does Jabhat al-Nusra's Break with Al-Qaeda Mean? Jihad IntelJuly 28, 2016
Observations on the New Islamic State Video 'Structure of the Caliphate' Aymennjawad.orgJuly 6, 2016
"The Dawla Has Arisen": Nasheed from Ajnad Media Aymennjawad.orgJuly 3, 2016
The Orlando Attacks: Islamic State Responsible Jihad IntelJune 12, 2016
Yarmouk Valley: The Formation of Jaysh Khalid ibn al-Waleed? Aymennjawad.orgMay 24, 2016
Defections from Harakat al-Muthanna in Deraa: Translation & Analysis Aymennjawad.orgMarch 28, 2016
The First Connections Between Liwa Shuhada' al-Yarmouk and Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgMarch 19, 2016
Recent Local Developments in Azaz Aymennjawad.orgMarch 17, 2016
Liwa Shuhada' al-Yarmouk Appoints a New Leader Aymennjawad.orgMarch 14, 2016
Islamic State Treatise on the Syrian Education System: Translation & Analysis Aymennjawad.orgMarch 12, 2016
Dissent in the Islamic State's Yemen Affiliates: Documents, Translation & Analysis Aymennjawad.orgFebruary 29, 2016
Challenges for the Islamic State: Manpower, Finance, and Information Aymennjawad.orgFebruary 27, 2016
New Mobilization Call from Azaz: Translation & Analysis Aymennjawad.orgFebruary 2, 2016
An Account of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi & Islamic State Succession Lines Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 24, 2016
The Islamic State, Turkey & Transportation Aymennjawad.orgJanuary 11, 2016
Translation: Eulogy to Abu Nabil al-Anbari, Islamic State Leader in Libya Jihad IntelJanuary 7, 2016
Unseen Islamic State Pamphlet on Slavery Aymennjawad.orgDecember 29, 2015
A Complete History of Jamaat Ansar al-Islam – Translation Aymennjawad.orgDecember 15, 2015
Naming the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgDecember 9, 2015
The Islamic State 'Master Plan' of Administration: Some Analytical Notes Aymennjawad.orgDecember 7, 2015
Hallili Samar al-Hirab: New Nasheed from the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgNovember 28, 2015
"Be with God"- New Nasheed from the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgOctober 29, 2015
Islam 101 According to the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgOctober 27, 2015
Unseen Islamic State Treatise on Calendars Aymennjawad.orgOctober 17, 2015
Additional Notes on the Druze of Jabal al-Summaq Aymennjawad.orgOctober 6, 2015
Repentance: Financial Income for the Islamic State Aymennjawad.orgSeptember 28, 2015
Jamaat Ansar al-Islam: Eulogy to Abu Ahmad of Mosul: Translation and Analysis Aymennjawad.orgApril 15, 2015
Nonviolent Islamism in the News
Title Publication Date
Smearing Perry on Jihad American ThinkerAugust 20, 2011
Anti-Jihadism and Unholy Alliances American ThinkerMarch 5, 2011