Writings by Claudia Rosett

Audio, Video and Transcripts
Title Publication Date
Iraq and the Importance of the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Scandal MEF WireMay 3, 2005
Middle East Studies in the News
Title Publication Date
Richard Falk and the Crooked Ways of UN Rules The Rosett Report (Blog of Pajamas Media)May 9, 2013
Richard Falk, Al Gore, and Al Jazeera The Rosett Report (Blog of Pajamas Media)April 29, 2013
Freedom Beats A Global Retreat [incl. libel tourism] Forbes.comJanuary 29, 2009
In Obama's Hyde Park, It's All in the Family [incl. Rashid Khalidi] National Review OnlineNovember 3, 2008
Nonviolent Islamism in the News
Title Publication Date
Ground Zero Mosque: The Bombast of Imam Feisal Pajamas MediaSeptember 7, 2010
Cashing In On Ground Zero ForbesAugust 24, 2010
And Now, Daisy Khan's $12,000 Taxpayer-Funded Trip to the UAE Pajamas MediaAugust 24, 2010
Mysteries Of The Absent Imam Feisal ForbesAugust 11, 2010
The Imam Feisal Vanishing Act Pajamas MediaAugust 11, 2010
Further Travels Of Imam Feisal ForbesAugust 6, 2010
Where In The World Is Imam Feisal? ForbesJuly 30, 2010
The Multiplying Mysteries of Creating an Islamic Center Near Ground Zero Pajamas MediaJuly 30, 2010