For some reason, University of Detroit-Mercy professor and “Islamophobia scholar” Khaled Beydoun thought an appropriate reaction to the Christchurch mosque massacre would be to create an online competition for a “Free Trip to New Zealand” to meet the victims’ families. The lucky winner would be accompanied by none other than Beydoun himself, as well as New York University professor Suhaib Webb and Sajjad Shah, founder of the Muslims of the World Instagram page (for which the trip was a giveaway to increase followers).
The backlash was swift, with mourning family members labeling the competition insensitive, disturbing, tone deaf, offensive, voyeuristic, and disgusting. Beydoun, whom the New Zealand media recently accused of lifting material without attribution for a series of tweets on the victims’ stories, ended up canceling the competition only ten hours after it was launched.
One would think an expert in “Islamophobia” would be more sensitive, unless of course self-promotion and a political agenda are Beydoun’s real goals.