Tariq Ramadan Laments That Paris Jihad Murderer’s Memory is Being “Sullied,” Extends Sympathy to His Family

Despite multiple accusations of brutal rape, “Muslim Martin Luther” Tariq Ramadan is still influential, and will doubtless sway many with this. Watch for French authorities and media to begin including jihad murderer Mickaël Harpon on lists of the victims of his own jihad massacre.

“This was to be expected...,” translated from “Il fallait s’y attendre...” by Tariq Ramadan via Dreuz, October 5, 2019 (thanks to David):

The man who killed four police officers had converted to Islam. His wife claimed that he had hallucinations and was not psychologically in his normal state. We were first told that he acted under “the blow of a crisis of a psychotic nature”. Now, we are told that during this crisis, he “heard Allah speak to him” ... So we come back to the first conclusions: the man was a potential terrorist, radicalized during a sudden psychological crisis. After he “radicalized” in one hour, one night or “without knowing it”, here comes the time of psychotic “radicalization”. Even having lost control of themselves, even unstable or under the influence of a blow madness, they are first, always and above all Muslim, radicalized and terrorists ...

It was understood, we understood.

The essential remains here, to show our sympathy to the families of all the victims. All victims, without exception or selection. Even the family of this man who has lost his reason and whose memory has begun to be sullied today.

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