Keep Us Informed

"[One professor] suggested that I take classes in the political science department to ‘open my mind'--in other words, to CHANGE my views No thanks.”
— Queens College Student, October 2003.

The original research that Campus Watch produces is based in part on reports and other information provided by students and faculty on North American campuses. Indeed, relevant reports that reflect an insider’s view of Middle Eastern studies add an important element to our work.

Please contact Campus Watch at with reports on Middle East-related scholarship, lectures, classes, demonstrations, and other activities relevant to Campus Watch. Include your name, university affiliation, and email address. Information not yet published or only reported in the local/campus press is most useful to us. And don’t assume the information need be negative; we are very interested in learning about professors and administrators who do credit to Middle East studies.

Let us know if we have your permission to use original information you make available to us in our research or publicly on this website; and tell us if we might mention your name. If we do not secure this permission, we will use information you send for internal Campus Watch purposes only.

Campus Watch may contact you to verify the information you have submitted, and ask for supporting documentation.

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