They [the American people] would be horrified, Hugh. They would be horrified. It would be like saying the strongest advocate for the Palestinians and the greatest critic of Israel in the United States was close to Obama. And you know something? He is, and he was and he is. And so friends of Israel are rightly horrified by this. -Stanley Kurtz to Hugh Hewitt
While plumbing the depths of media depravity, we would be remiss not to give a special shout-out to the Los Angeles Times. We can add another radical anti-Semite to Barack Obama’s list of very troubling friends: Rashid Khalidi, former spokesman for the original terrorist, Yasser Arafat.
Following the traditional career trajectory of washed-out radicals, Khalidi went from terrorist advisor to academia as a professor at the University of Chicago. He eventually would take over the Middle East studies program at Columbia, described as a “bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism.” (link)
There is no dispute that Obama and Khalidi have been friends for years. In 2003, Obama attended a party for Khalidi to celebrate his transfer to Columbia. The party was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife. In an amazing coincidence in a long series of amazing coincidences, AAAN just happened to receive money from the Woods Fund, a Leftist organization. On the Woods Fund board: Obama and Ayers. Amazing! The truth is that Khalidi, Ayers, and Obama were practically best friends. (link)
Ayers and his bride, Bernardine Dohrn, attended the Khalidi fete, and Obama had the special honor of heaping praise upon his good friend and America-hating terrorist supporter. All of which was captured on video for all to enjoy. The LA Times managed to obtain a copy of the video. Being principled journalists, they immediately buried it.
The Los Angeles Times has a video of the Democratic presidential candidate delivering a speech, celebrating a pro-terrorism friend, and the Times, in its journalistic wisdom, determines this is not newsworthy? Did the American people have no need to know that the future president parties with terrorists, both foreign and domestic?
Obama’s long time pastor, Jeremiah Wright launched Trumpet, the official magazine of the Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), in 1982. In 2007, Trumpet gave an award to anti-Semite hate spreader, Louis Farrakhan. The Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpet Award was given to “epitomize” Farrakhan’s greatness. (link)
Wright was lavish in his praise for the Nation of Islam leader: “his integrity and honesty… an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere in his faith and his purpose.”
And just who is this bit of epitomized greatness, Louis Farrakhan? Farrakhan’s rancid rhetoric spans three decades of bigoted and hateful statements targeting Jews, whites, and gays. Farrakhan often refers to Jews as “bloodsuckers.” Mr. Greatness Epitomized makes the daffy assertion that Jews controlled the slave trade. Paranoid loon Farrakhan is a never-ending font-of-hate speech directed at Jews and whites, as well as spinning wild yarns about Jewish conspiracies and Jewish collaboration with Hitler, all the while blithely overlooking the fact that American Jews have historically been staunch supporters of civil rights. (Farrakhan, Louis. “Transcript From Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Remarks at the Million Man March”. CNN/US News. 17 October 1995).
Columbia, the alma mater of Obama and Bill Ayers, has become a madrassa by way of its Middle Eastern studies department. As is the case with numerous similar departments in other universities, the Middle Eastern studies department is an anti-Israel, a pro-Hamas, and a Hezbollah propaganda arm.
In the 1998 interview with Steve Kroft, Obama’s boss, George Soros, acknowledged forging documents and pretending to be Christian to save himself, for which he feels no guilt or sorrow. “I was fourteen,” Soros said. “My character was made them.” Regarding his participation in confiscating valuables from innocent Jews, Soros told Kroft, “It created no problem at all.” Soros has no sense that he shouldn’t be there; he felt he was a mere spectator. Soros rationalizes his behavior: “If I didn’t do it, someone else would.”