Writings by Jonathan Schanzer

Middle East Studies in the News, Campus Watch Research, Campus Watch in the Media

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Middle East Studies in the News
Title Publication Date
Do Gaza Flotillas Provide Material Support to Hamas? [on Rashid Khalidi] WeeklyStandard.com August 5, 2010
No Substitute For Sanctions [incl. Middle East and Persian studies] Jewish Policy Center November 24, 2009
Is Iraq Nearly Rid of al-Qaeda? [on Juan Cole] Jewish Policy Center Blog December 29, 2007
Spooking Middle East Profs on Halloween: The Anti-MESA [on the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa] The Jewish Policy Center Blog October 31, 2007
War of Ideas: Jihadism Against Democracy [on Walid Phares' book, refs. Middle East studies, Juan Cole, As'ad Abu Khalil, John Esposito] The Jewish Policy Center September 7, 2007
Boston University's Terrorist Apologist Coddles Hamas, Too [on August Richard Norton and Harvard's Sara Roy] Jewish Policy Center Blog August 1, 2007
BU President Weak on Hezbollah Apologist [on prof. Augustus Richard Norton] Jewish Policy Center Blog July 30, 2007
Answering the Call of Jihad [a review of Boston U prof. Augustus Richard Norton's book on Hezbollah] The Jerusalem Post July 20, 2007
Professors for Terrorist Al-Arian FrontPage Magazine February 24, 2003
Campus Watch in the Media
Title Publication Date
Jonathan Schanzer: PARC's Anti-Israel Polemics Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) July 11, 2008
Iraq Progress vs. Academic Intransigence Jewish Policy Center Blog January 17, 2008
Campus Watch Research
Title Publication Date
Rashid Khalidi Headlines Taxpayer-funded Palestinian Fest American Thinker December 17, 2009
Juan Cole Between Madison and the Mullahs The American Thinker October 16, 2009
Islamic Speakers Bureau Backed By Radical Profs [incl. John Esposito, Sherman Jackson, Ingrid Mattson] The American Thinker May 31, 2009
The Professor's Paranoia [on Rashid Khalidi] The Jerusalem Post April 19, 2009
Middle East Studies on the Mend? The American Thinker January 4, 2009
Meet Ingrid Mattson National Review Online September 11, 2008
PARC's Anti-Israel Polemics [incl. Joel Beinin, Rashid Khalidi, Ian Lustick, MESA, et al.] National Review Online July 11, 2008
A Map for the Road Not Taken [rev. of Caroline B. Glick, "Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad"; incl. Rashid Khalidi] The Jerusalem Post June 26, 2008
The Fall of Noah Feldman Jerusalem Post June 6, 2008
Profs Hammer Israel, Fail to Predict Palestinian War [incl. Fawaz Gerges, Rashid Khalidi, Joseph Massad, et al.] The American Thinker March 12, 2008
Pessimistic Predictions: The Middle East Studies Sector Continues to Deny Success in Iraq [incl. Rashid Khalidi, Fawaz Gerges, Juan Cole] National Review Online January 16, 2008
Extremists on Campus New York Post June 25, 2002