Bill Hambrecht’s Connection to UN Boston Terror Apologist Richard Falk

The UN Human Rights Council’s “human rights expert” Richard Falk has been enthusiastically welcomed in certain quarters after his obscene remarks on Boston’s “canaries” and justifiable “resistance” to “the American global domination project.” Monday evening in Beirut, Lebanon, Falk received an honor named after none other than one of the biggest Democratic money men in California, Bill Hambrecht.

Falk was the guest speaker in “the Bill and Sally Hambrecht Distinguished Peacemakers Lectures” at the American University of Beirut.

The advertisement of the lecture makes no attempt to cover up his anti-American agenda. The “war on terror” appears in quotation marks. United States involvement in Iraq is referred to as an “occupation.” Western support for the Libyan uprising and protection of its civilian population from Ghaddafi’s thugs is labeled a “deception.”

Falk traveled to the Middle East to spread his poisonous anti-American and anti-Israel views shortly after publishing his outrageous comments on Boston’s “hysterical dragnet"--the police operation that, in fact, ended the suspects’ reign of terror.

The Bill Hambrecht lecture was actually Falk’s second recent honor.

On Thursday of last week he delivered the annual Constantine Zurayk Lecture, also at the American University of Beirut. He entitled that speech, “Rethinking the Future of Palestine: Beyond the Two State Consensus,” and argued against the two-state solution for ending the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict because at this moment in time it is “obsolete.”

Similar to the justifications he made for “resistance” at the time of the Boston terror attacks, Iranian Press TV reported that in his Zurayk speech Falk “praised the resistance of the Palestinian people, considering it as the only means to address their suffering….Dr. Falk argued that…the only way to address the ordeal of the Israeli occupation is through global mobilization of support for the resistance…".

In addition to direct support for terrorism--aka “resistance"--Falk told the reporter: “Israel can’t live in peace and security with its neighbors....It is a pariah state endangering the Middle East...and the U.S. is an accomplice.”

Zurayk was a well-known Arab nationalist who spent his career arguing how the battle against Israel can be won and giving directions for “the road to final and complete victory.” He is heralded for coining the term “al-nakba"--the now entrenched reference to the creation of the state of Israel as a “catastrophe.” Some call him the grandfather of the insidious political plan of “catastrophology.”

It is clear, therefore, why terrorist sympathizer and apologist Falk would be the recipient of the Zurayk honor.

But where does that leave Bill Hambrecht? When did he learn that this notorious anti-American antisemite was the invitee in the lecture series he financed? And will Nancy Pelosi’s pal do something to object to the chosen recipient of an honor in his name?

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