Bridge For Sale Alert: Muslims in the UK are loyal Brits -- more British than non-Muslims! [incl. John Esposito]

God save the Queen -- and cover her up

Jihad? Pshaw. Gallup says that more “Muslims identify themselves as being British than the rest of the population”! And it would only be the most crabbed Islamophobe who would dare to be skeptical about this, no?

Well, unfortunately, there are a few warning signs. Gallup’s Dalia Mogahed, now an Obama adviser, along with John Esposito cooked the results of a Gallup survey of Muslims to increase the number of “moderates.” Also, identifying oneself as British simply isn’t the same thing as accepting the parameters of British society and discarding any aspiration to impose Sharia upon the UK when possible. Muslim immigrants are the first ever to bring with them a ready-made model for society and governance that their religion teaches them is superior to the one they find in their new country. Their religion also teaches them that it is their responsibility before Allah to work to replace the one with the other. So identifying oneself as British does not mean that one would not like to see an Islamic Republic on the Sceptered Isle, and is working to that end.

Mogahed’s Gallup survey, not surprisingly, asks the wrong questions and misinterprets the answers.

“More Muslims identify themselves as British than rest of population,” by Duncan Gardham for the Telegraph, May 6 (thanks to all who sent this in):

More Muslims identify themselves with being British than the rest of the population and most have far more confidence in institutions, according to a new survey. The survey by Gallup has found that 77 per cent of Muslims say they “identified with the UK” compared with only 50 per cent of the public at large.

Most Muslims - 75 per cent - say they also identify with their religion, according to the poll conducted with the interfaith Coexist Foundation.

Muslims also outscored the general public for their belief in courts, honest elections, financial institutions and the media.

Confidence in the military was the only area where British Muslims scored lower than the general public.

Gallup conducted face to face interviews with more than 500 Muslims over 18 in areas where they made up more than 5 per cent of the population.

That was compared with a telephone poll of 1,000 people aged over 15, weighted to reflect the general population.

It revealed that 82 per cent of Muslim say they are loyal to the UK, although only 36 per cent of the general public would consider Muslims loyal to the country.

Only 12 per cent of MuslimS [sic] believe that removing the veil is necessary for integration, compared with 53 per cent of the general public....

Muhammad Yunis, senior analyst at Gallup, said: “In the aftermath of the horrific London bombing, Britain’s multicultural approach to integration came under fire from pundits in Europe and the United States, who saw it as an appeasement of unreasonable demands and promoting parallel societies.

“However, it appears British Muslims are more likely to identify strongly with their nation, and to express stronger confidence in its democratic institutions, while maintaining a high degree of religious identity.”...

Dalia Mogahed, executive director of the Gallup Centre for Muslim Studies who has recently been appointed as an adviser to President Obama, said: “This research shows that many of the assumptions about Muslims and integration couldn’t be more wide of the mark.

“British Muslims want to be part of the wider community and contribute to society however in many cases it is a harsh economic reality that holds them back and stops them from realising their full potential.”...

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