Solidarity with Apologists

Following the launch of Campus Watch on September 18, 2002, this site received about 200 e-mails from faculty and graduate students requesting to be listed at Campus Watch in solidarity with academics we identified as apologists for suicide bombings and militant Islam listed on this site. (For more, see the New York Times article).

Most of the writers are academics from fields other than Middle East studies (and so are not qualified to judge the work of the academics we listed) and few of them addressed the concerns and problems listed by Campus Watch on its homepage. Still, the fact that these individuals insist on declaring solidarity in public with academics that Campus Watch has identified as apologists for Palestinian and Islamist violence is important information for university stakeholders to be aware of, so we are posting their names, in compliance with their wishes:

North American Academics

Jenine Abboushi
Assistant Professor
Department of Middle East Studies
New York University

Thomas Abowd
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Temple University

Jane Adas
Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Rutgers University

Ammiel Alcalay
Classical, Middle Eastern & Asian Languages
Queens College

Yali Amit
Department of Statistics and Computer Science
University of Chicago

Zalman Amit
Psychology Department
Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)

Linda Ammons
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Assumption College

Margaret Lavinia Anderson
Political Science Department
University of California Berkeley

Benjamin Balak
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Rollins College

Alexandra Barron
Assistant instructor
English Department
University of Texas at Austin

Anita Barrows
Professor of Psychology
The Wright Institute

Ruth Anne Baumgartner
English Department
Fairfield University

Robert B. Begg
Department of Geography and Regional Planning
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Lourdes Beneria
Department of Regional Planning and Women’s Studies
Cornell University

Richard Bensel
Department of Government
Cornell University

Richard Berthold
Associate Professor
History Department
University of New Mexico

Michael Brub
Professor of English
Pennsylvania State University

Nina Gudrun Bjornsson
Assistant Professor
Department of English Languages and Literature
Eastern New Mexico University

David Alan Black
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
Seton Hall University

Griff Blakewood
Assistant Professor
Department of Renewable Resources
University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Purnima Bose
Associate Professor
English Department
Indiana University

Anne M. Boylan
History Department
University of Delaware

Mark Braun
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Sciences

Ethel Brooks
Assistant Professor
Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies and Sociology
Rutgers University

B. Ricardo Brown
Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies
Department of Social Science and Cultural Studies
Pratt Institute

Wendy Brown
Department Political Science
University of California Berkeley

Susan Buck-Morss
Political Philosophy and Social Theory
Cornell University

Stuart Burrows
Assistant Professor
English Department
Brown University

Richard Burt
English Department
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Judith Butler
Rhetoric and Comparative Literature
University of California Berkeley

Robert S. Carlsen
Department of Anthropology
University of Colorado at Denver

John Carson
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Michigan

Jane T. Christensen
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
North Carolina Wesleyan College

Mirena Christoff
Center for Language Studies
Brown University

Elliott Colla
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Literature
Brown University

John Collins
Assistant Professor
Department of Global Studies
St. Lawrence University

Christoph Cox
Associate Professor
School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Hampshire College

Ahmad Dallal
Associate Professor
History Department
Stanford University

Jeffery Dearing
Adjunct Professor
Department of English
Miami-Dade Community College

Graeme Decarie
Associate Professor
History Department
Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)

Jim Demmers
Senior Research Associate
Georgia Institute of Technology

Erica Dodd
Adjunct Professor
Islamic Art and Architecture
University of Victoria

David Dollenmayer
German Department
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Sandra E. Drake
Associate Professor
Department of English
Stanford University

Juan Duchesne
Literature Department
Winter University of Puerto Rico

Robert Dudley
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California - Berkeley

Kevin C. Dunn
Assistant Professor
Political Science
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

John Ehrenberg
Political Science
Long Island University

Susan L. Einbinder
Hebrew Literature
Hebrew Union College

Justin A. Elardo
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Marygrove College

Mansour O. El-Kikhia
Associate Professor
Political Science
University of Texas at San Antonio

Khaled Fahmy
Associate Professor
Middle Eastern Studies
New York University

Samuel Farber
Political Science Department
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

James C. Faris
Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Language
University of Connecticut

Ellen Fleischmann
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Dayton

Jerise Fogel
Associate Professor
Department of Classics
Marshall University

Michael W. Foley
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
The Catholic University of America

Nancy Fraser
Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor
Political Science Department
The New School for Social Research

Nancy Gallagher
History Department
University of California, Santa Barbara

Larry Gara
Professor Emeritus
Department of History
Wilmington College

Bertram Garskof
Psychology Department
Quinnipiac University

Larry N. George
Associate professor
Department of Political Science
California State University, Long Beach

Michael Gibbons
Department of Government and International Affairs
University of South Florida

John J. Gibbs
Department of Criminology
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Abbott Gleason
History Department
Brown University

Matthew S. Gordon
Associate Professor
History Department
Miami University

Roger S. Gottlieb
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Humanities and Arts
The Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Karen B. Graubart
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Cornell University

David L. Griffith
Department of English
Virginia Tech Blacksburg

Sondra Hale
Department of Anthropology and Woman’s Studies
University of California

Paul Peter Hatgil
Professor Emeritus
Contemporary Encaustic Painting
University of Texas

Edward Haynes
Associate Professor
History Department
Winthrop University

Susan Sage Heinzelman
Assistant Professor
English Department
University of Austin Texas

Lisa Heldke
Department of Philosophy
Gustavus Adolphus College

James Helgeson
Assistant Professor
Center for French and Francophone Studies
Columbia University

James Hess
Teaching Assistant
Department of Social science
University of California, Irvine

Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Michigan

Sharon P. Holland
Associate Professor
Department of English
University at Albany

Kirk A. Hoppe
Department of African and Global History
University of Illinois at Chicago

Bernard van’t Hul
Professor Emeritus
English Language and Literature
University of Michigan

Annemarie Jacir
Film Department
Barnard College

Arvind K. Jain
Associate Professor
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)

Pranav Jani
Department of English
Wagner College, New York

Adriene Jenik
Associate Professor
Computer & Media Arts Department
University of California, San Diego

David E. Johnson
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Literature
University at Buffalo

Brian Johnston
Drama Department
Carnegie Mellon University

Alfred L. Joseph
Associate Professor
Department of Family Studies and Social Work
Miami University

Charles N. Judice
Adjunct Professor
Department of Computer Science
Monmouth University

Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat
Woman’s Studies
Purchase College, SUNY

Tomis Kapitan
Philosophy Department
Northern Illinois University

Caren Kaplan
Associate Professor
Woman Studies
University of California Berkeley

Anahid Kassabian
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
Fordham University

Suvir Kaul
English Department
University of Illinois

Mohja Kahf
Associate Professor
English Department
University of Arkansas

Marcelle Kardush
Department of Psychology
San Francisco State University

John P. Kearney
English Department
Lebanon Valley College

Mark Kesselman
Political Science
Columbia University

Laurie King-Irani
Department of Anthropology
University of Victoria

Peter N. Kirstein
Department of History & Political Science
Saint Xavier University

J. Victor Koschmann
Department of History
Cornell University

Leonard I. Krimerman
Department of Philosophy
University of Connecticut

Scott Kugle
Assistant Professor
Department of Religion
Swarthmore College

Petra Kuppinger
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Monmouth College

Mark Lance
Associate Professor
Philosophy Department
Georgetown University

Nancy Lee-Koschmann
Assistant Professor
Woman’s Studies
Elmira College

David Lelyveld
Associate Dean
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
William Paterson University

Mark LeVine
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of California, Irvine

Robert I. Lipton
Associate Research Scientist
Prevention Research Center
University of California, Berkeley

Zachary Lockman
Acting Chair Department of Middle Eastern Studies
New York University

Jennifer Loewenstein
Senior Lecturer
Business Communications
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Paul M. Lubeck
Center for Global, International and Regional Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz

Sandra Luft
Humanities Department
San Francisco State University

Catherine Lutz
Department of Anthropology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Scott Lyons
Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
Writing Program/Native American Studies
Syracuse University

Hubert Marshall
Professor Emeritus
Political Science
Stanford University

Todd May
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Clemson University

David Mazel
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Adams State College

Daniel McGowan
Department of Economics
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

William McIntosh
Department of Psychology
Georgia Southern University

Michael McIntyre
Associate Professor
Director International Studies
DePaul University

David A. McMurray
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Oregon State University

Louise McReynolds
History Department
University of Hawai’i

David S. Meyer
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of California, Irvine

Minoo Moallem
Associate professor
Department of Women Studies
San Francisco State University

Steven Neshyba
Associate Professor
Chemistry Department
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma

Mary Nolan
Department of History
New York University

Geoffrey Porter
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Trinity College

Robin Edward Poulton
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Richmond

Harry Vlez Quiones
Hispanic Studies
University of Puget Sound

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Associate Professor
Department of Genetics
Yale University

Ronald Rebholz
Professor Emeritus
English Department
Stanford University

Gary Richmond
Humanities Department
The City University of New York

Bruce Robbins
English Department
Columbia University

John Robertson
History Department
Central Michigan University

Bill Rosenthal
Assistant Professor
Curriculum and Teaching
Hunter College

Amr Sabry
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Indiana University

Ranu Samantrai
Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Claremont Graduate University

Elizabeth Sanders
Professor of Political Science
Cornell University

Robert Sapolsky
Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Stanford University

Paul Lincoln Sawyer
English Department
Cornell University

Richard Schmitt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Philosophy
Brown University

Teresa Brennan Schmidt
Professor of Humanities
Florida Atlantic University

Ora Schub
Associate Professor
School of Law
Northwestern University

Jamie S. Scott
Associate Professor
Division of Humanities
York University (Toronto, Canada)

Daniel A. Segal
Anthropology & Historical Studies
Pitzer College

Raymond Seidelman
Political Science
Sarah Lawrence College

Paola Sensi-Isolani
Department of Anthropology and Sociology
Saint Mary’s College of California

Paul A. Silverstein
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Reed College

Anna Marie Smith
Associate Professor
Political Science Department
Cornell University

Noam Sobel
Assistant professor
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute and Department of Psychology
University of California at Berkeley

Thomas Stachnik
Professor Emeritus
Michigan State University

Ann Folwell Stanford
Associate Professor
School for New Learning
DePaul University

Erika Suderburg
Department of Art
University of California, Riverside

Ted Swedenburg
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Arkansas

Steve Tamari
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Southern Illinois University

Nina Tannenwald
Assistant Research Professor
Watson Institute for International Studies
Brown University

Sidney Tarrow
Professor of Government
Department of Political Science
Cornell University

Esther Jacobson Tepfer
Department of Art History
University of Oregon

Kurt Thurmaier
Department of Political Science
Iowa State University

Virginia Q. Tilley
Assistant Professor
Political Science Department
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Gail Tonnesen
Assistant Professor
College of Engineering
University of California Riverside

Robert Torres
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Saint Lawrence University

Alex Trillo
Assistant Professor
Sociology and Latino Studies
Saint Xavier University

Bill Tucker
Psychology Department
Rutgers University

Henry Ashby Turner, Jr.
History Department
Yale University

Meredeth Turshen
School of Planning and Public Policy
Rutgers University

Keith D. Watenpaugh
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Le Moyne College

Butler Waugh
English Department
Florida International University

Harvey Weiss
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and Department of Anthropology
Yale University

Candace Widmer
Women’s Studies Department
Elmira College

John Alden Williams
Emeritus Kenan Professor
Department of Religion
The College of William and Mary

Angela Cavender Wilson
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Arizona State University

Gary Wren
Interdisciplinary Studies
University of California, Berkeley

Faith T. Zeadey
Department of Sociology
Worcester State College

International Academics

A. Clare Brandabur
Dou University (Istanbul, Turkey)

David Bartram
Department of Sociology
University of Reading (United Kingdom)

Clarissa Burt
Assistant Professor
Arabic Literature and Comparative Semitics
American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt)

Uri Davis
Research Fellow
University of Durham and University of Exeter (United Kingdom)

Alan Harrison
Operations and Logisitcs
Brunel University (United Kingdom)

Ron Kuzar
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel)

Avraham Oz
Department of Theatre
University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel)

Anja Pistor-Hatam
Seminar fr Orientalistik
Universitt Kiel (Kiel, Germany)

Martha Plettner
Director of Technology Services
American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt)

Tom Wengraf
Middlesex University (United Kingdom)

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