Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from June 7-June 15, 2020:

Campus Watch Research

U. Arizona Defends Misuse of Federal Funds for MidEast Studies (Clifford Smith and Winfield Myers):

Campus Watch Blog

U. Arizona Defends Misuse of Federal Funds for MidEast Studies (highlights Smith and Myers’s essay):

New “We Couldn’t Have Said It Better” Quote:

“The campus zealotry of Students for Justice in Palestine is hardly a spontaneous youthful expression of outrage funded by pocket money. Their activities include costly defamatory installations of so-called apartheid walls, checkpoints, die-ins, chants and hostile invasions of classrooms and meetings, and thuggish disruptions of visiting speakers. Its founder, Hatem Bazian, is a lecturer in ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley.”

Cynthia Ozick, American novelist, short-story writer, and essayist, on the leading role of professors and other thinkers and writers in fomenting anti-Semitism over the centuries; in “Anti-Semitism and the Intellectuals"; the Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2020. (link to source)

Middle East Studies in the News

On antisemitism in the intellectual community (incl. UC Berkeley’s Hatem Bazian):

CAIR represents Muslim student, sues prof Nicholas Damask for “Islamophobia":

A critique of Juan Cole’s blog post on Qatar:

SF State’s Rabab Abdulhadi receives prestigious award from the AAUP:

Former MES prof and leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad dies, is buried in Syria:

A scathing critique of zionism, Trump, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, and all things pro-Israel on college campuses (incl. Rutgers U.'s Noura Erakat, SF State’s Rabab Abdulhadi):

On an anti-Israel webinar hosted by Bard U.'s SJP and featuring Rutgers U.'s Noura Erakat:

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If the People Who Run the Most Exclusive Universities Don’t Appear to Be the Smartest, Most Impressive People in the Nation, the Brand Suffers