Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from June 15-June 22, 2020:

Campus Watch Research

Congressman Calls for Investigation of Berkeley’s Center for Middle East Studies (Winfield Myers):

Campus Watch Blog

Congressman Calls for Investigation of Berkeley’s Center for Middle East Studies (highlights Myers’ essay):

Middle East Studies in the News

How the red and green alliance has been strengthened with the rise of intersectionality (incl. Hatem Bazian and Yvonne Haddad):

Florida State University Senate President builds anti-Israel website (incl. Rutgers U.'s Jasbir Puar):

Deepa Kumar receives tenure at Rutgers U.:

How educators are influencing the extremist views and cancel culture of current protesters (incl. SF State’s Rabab Abdulhadi):

The David Horowitz Freedom Center spearheads social media campaign targeting anti-Semitic professors:

Jerusalem Post:

Jewish Voice:

CAIR represents Muslim student, sues prof Nicholas Damask for “Islamophobia":

IPT News:

American Thinker:

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Mapheze Ahmad Yousef Saleh, Daughter of a Senior Hamas Official, Is Married to a Hamas Apologist
Haddad’s Schmooze Fest with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Financier and Islamist Operative Sami al-Arian Shows His Inability to Discern Scholarship from Activism
While Money from Muslim Nations Is Part of the Jihad Problem on American College Campuses, a Bigger Problem Is the Faculty Who Teach There