Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from June 22-June 29, 2020:

Campus Watch Research

Profs to America and Israel: Burn, Baby, Burn! (Andrew E. Harrod):

Campus Watch Blog

Profs to America and Israel: Burn, Baby, Burn! (highlights Harrod’s essay):

Campus Watch in the Media

AAUP’s John K. Wilson defends BDS supporters and George Washington U.'s appointment of Ilana Feldman as interim dean:

Middle East Studies in the News

On the killing of Ahmed Erakat, a Palestinian who rammed his car into an Israeli checkpoint [incl. Noura Erakat]:

CSU students now required by law to take ethnic studies courses (incl. SF State U.'s Rabab Abdulhadi):

A critique of John K. Wilson’s AAUP Academe Blog defending Ilana Feldman (George Washington U.'s interim dean) and BDS:

CAIR represents Muslim student, sues prof Nicholas Damask for “Islamophobia":



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