Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from November 3-November 17 2020:

Campus Watch Research

Marco Rubio and Kevin Cramer Rightly Press for Audit of Government-Funded University Centers (Winfield Myers):

Setting the Record Straight

Response to Truthout article “‘Campus Reform’ is Funneling Koch Money to Groom Right-Wing ‘Journalists’” (Winfield Myers):

Campus Watch in the Media

Senators Cramer & Rubio issue press release calling for GAO audit of entire Title VI program:

Middle East Studies in the News

U.S. Department of Education implicates Georgetown U. for failure to report foreign gifts (incl. John Esposito):

A Paris court fines Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan for publicly disclosing the name of his rape accuser:

MES prof and Jewish history scholar Lior Sterfeld is featured on in Haaretz’s cover story for his book on Iranian Jews:

SFSU prof Rabab Abdulhadi discusses her anti-Israel views on virtual event:

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If the People Who Run the Most Exclusive Universities Don’t Appear to Be the Smartest, Most Impressive People in the Nation, the Brand Suffers