Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from March 31 - April 12, 2021:

Campus Watch Research:

Does Iran Even Need Spies in Academia? (A.J. Caschetta):

Burying the Curse of the Islamic Blasphemy? (Andrew E. Harrod):

Campus Watch in the Media

New York City’s in Trouble and Other Commentary (incl. Kaveh Afrasiabi):

Internet Mogul Funds Anti-Semitic Professor, Israel Boycotters (incl. Hamid Dabashi):

Anti-Israel Professor Hamid Dabashi Benefited from Ebay Founder Pierre Omidyar’s Philanthropy:

Middle East Studies in the News

A call to action against Oberlin prof/Iranian agent Mohammad Jafar Mahallati:

Iran lobby uses Princeton U. to amplify propaganda (incl. Seyed Hossein Mousavian):

See more on this Topic
Mapheze Ahmad Yousef Saleh, Daughter of a Senior Hamas Official, Is Married to a Hamas Apologist
Haddad’s Schmooze Fest with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Financier and Islamist Operative Sami al-Arian Shows His Inability to Discern Scholarship from Activism
While Money from Muslim Nations Is Part of the Jihad Problem on American College Campuses, a Bigger Problem Is the Faculty Who Teach There