Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from July 14 - August 2, 2021:

Campus Watch Research

Manufacturing ‘Islamophobia': Denari Duffner’s Deep Dive (Andrew E. Harrod):

How the “Settler Colonialism” Canard Hurts Palestinians (Donna Robinson Divine and Asaf Romirowsky):

UCLA’s David Myers’s Shameful Alliance with Israel’s Enemies (Andrew E. Harrod):

Middle East Studies in the News

On the recent conference sponsored by the Turkish government and hosted by Sami Al-Arian, a convicted accessory to terrorism, featuring MESers (incl. Lubna Qutami, Rabab Abdulhadi):

What the appointment of New Cal State LA Ethnic Studies Dean Julianne Malveaux means for Jewish students (incl. Rabab Abdulhadi):

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If the People Who Run the Most Exclusive Universities Don’t Appear to Be the Smartest, Most Impressive People in the Nation, the Brand Suffers