Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from April 25 - May 3, 2022:

New Howler of the Month

“The members of this association, now more than half a century old, have harnessed years of rigorous scholarship and intellectual output to conclude that solidarity with Palestinians must today deepen and expand.”

Noura Erakat, Rutgers University assistant professor of Africana Studies, defending the Middle East Studies Association’s (MESA) adoption of an academic boycott of Israel as its official policy, in “Why Our Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions Will Hurt the Apartheid Regime"; Middle East Eye, April 13, 2022. (link to source)


Middle East Studies in the News

How U. Penn prof Ian Lustick is teaching students to hate Israel:

On the top 10 antisemitic American colleges and universities (incl. Rashid Khalidi, Rabab Abdulhadi, Noura Erakat, Sa’ed Atshan, Saree Makdisi):

On Russian massacres in Ukraine and prisoner mass-murder in Iran (incl. Mohammad Jafar Mahallati):

Rutgers U. sponsors pro-BDS program led by prof Sahar Aziz:

More on MESA’s boycott of Israel:

Jewish Standard:

United With Israel:

Front Page Magazine:

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