Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from March 13 - March 27:

Campus Watch Research:

Georgetown panel miraculously criticizes the ‘golden age’ myth of Muslim empire (Andrew E. Harrod):

Middle East Studies in the News

Since MESA endorsed BDS, its membership has declined:

Middle East Studies is still plagued by problems of standards, politicization, and funding:

Jewish-Americans and Iranian-Americans gathered at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles in solidarity with the women of Iran (incl. Mohammad Jafar Mahallati):

Republican senators wrote letter to education dept. accusing the Biden administration of allowing “taxpayer-funded antisemitism” on college campuses:

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Mapheze Ahmad Yousef Saleh, Daughter of a Senior Hamas Official, Is Married to a Hamas Apologist
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While Money from Muslim Nations Is Part of the Jihad Problem on American College Campuses, a Bigger Problem Is the Faculty Who Teach There