Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from December 21 - January 16:

Campus Watch Research

Rashid Khalidi’s Palestine Myths: Part I (Andrew E. Harrod):

Rashid Khalidi’s Palestine Myths: Part II (Andrew E. Harrod):

Middle East Studies in the News

Indiana U. suspends prof Abdulkader Sinno for bypassing formal procedure when assisting an anti-Israel group with organizing an event:

Rutgers U. hosts a number of antisemitic speakers at recent programs, including a virtual webinar featuring Rutgers U. prof Noura Erakat, CUNY prof Marc Lamont Hill, and Columbia U. prof Joseph Massad:

In a recent live-streamed sermon, UCLA prof Khaled Abou El Fadl makes a number of antisemitic claims, including the denial of 10/7 atrocities committed by Hamas:

The New Jersey School Ethics Commission dismisses antisemitism charges against Westfield Board Member Sahar Aziz:


CUNY prof Marc Lamont Hill insists that the next president of Harvard be a black woman:

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