Daniel Hollinger Announces Expansion of Arabic Immersion at Coeus International School [in Washington, D.C.]

(Newswire Today) — Washington, DC, United States, 2007-11-11 - Coeus International School (CIS) expands its dual-language Arabic-English program to include a Lower School. CIS now offers a dual-language, international K-12 education in English and the choice of Arabic, French, Greek, Mandarin or Spanish.

Arabic education faces unprecedented demand in the United States, from kindergarten through graduate school. Designated as a “strategic” language by the US government, Arabic enrollment has increased dramatically in recent years.

The US Department of Education is funding new Arabic education programs, according to Ralph Hines, director of international education programs at the US Department of Education. One such program, The Middle East Language Resource Center, provides resources and builds capacity in Middle Eastern languages nationwide. The Center for Applied Linguistics reports that approximately 70 elementary and secondary schools offer Arabic education in the United States, most of which are private Islamic schools.

In response to the increased interest in Arabic education, Coeus International School provides a K-12 dual-language Arabic-English education based on the International Baccalaureate model. Language immersion at CIS offers integrated instruction for native English and Arabic speakers, with the goal of promoting high academic achievement, first and second language development, and cross-cultural understanding for all students. In the Lower School, students spend approximately half of their time learning in English and half in the other language of choice. Research and experience demonstrate that students in dual-language programs outperform their peers in monolingual programs across the academic spectrum. In addition, they develop proficiency in two or more languages and frequently become ambilingual.

The CIS Lower School is guided by teachers who are themselves lifelong learners. It is a place of inquiry, collaboration, curiosity and discovery. One of the most generous student-to-faculty ratios to be found anywhere in the Washington metropolitan area provides exceptional opportunity for each young person to grow and learn.

Lower school students in kindergarten through grade five follow the PYP. Using the natural curiosity of the young learner, students are guided through inquiries into the world around them by means of such questions as, for example, “Who are we?” and “How do we organize ourselves?” The PYP is a transdi

The Middle School provides CIS students with an intellectually challenging experience in a nurturing environment. The inquiry-based program, social environment and talented teachers motivate students to acquire knowledge, develop skills and talents, strengthen friendships and pursue special interests, through the MYP programme of study.

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) encourages students to think critically and independently, to work collaboratively and to take a disciplined approach to studying. The MYP seeks to give students an international perspective - to help them become informed about the experiences of people and cultures throughout the world. It also fosters a commitment to help others and to act as a responsible member of the community at the local, national and international levels. CIS has received IB World School candidate status for its Middle Years Programme.

The IB’s Diploma Programme, for students aged 16-19, is a two-year course of study. Recognized internationally as a qualification for university entrance, it also allows students to fulfill the requirements of their national education system. Students share an educational experience that emphasizes critical thinking as well as intercultural understanding and respect for others in the global community.

The CIS Upper School provides a challenging academic program in a supportive environment. The academic experience promotes critical thinking, intercultural understanding and exposure to a variety of points of view. Students have many opportunities to integrate theory and practice through the school’s unique experiential learning program.

CIS Upper school students in grades 9 and 10 follow the IBO’s MYP programmes of study while grades 11 and 12 follow the IBO’s DP programmes of study.

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