David Horowitz and Mark LeVine (UC-Irvine) Go at it on Hannity

Last night on Fox’s Sean Hannity Show, David Horowitz and UC-Irvine Professer Mark LeVine were interviewed in regards to Horowitz’s appearance this week at UC San Diego, in which a member of the Muslim Student Association made a controversial remark in answer to Horowitz’s question. This led to an angry exchange between LeVine (a Palestinian supporter)and Horowitz, in which charges of dishonesty were thrown back and forth. At one point, Horowitz referred to a seized document purporting to show a connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Student Association. As one who also teaches at UC-Irvine, I watched the segment with more than passing interest.

On October 8, 2008, I attended a presentation at UC-Irvine, which was held in Mr LeVine’s class (and open to the public)by Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Ibrahim Al-Houdaiby of Egypt. Mr Al-Houdaiby’s theme was that the Muslim Brotherhood opposes violence, condemned 9-11, is trying to achieve understanding with the West, and is trying to bring democratic reform to Egypt. During the Q&A, I presented Al-Houdaiby with English and Arabic copies of a document seized by the FBI and presented as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trial. In this document, a representative from the MB (Mohamed Akram)is writing to the “North American brothers” telling them that their role in North America is to work to destroy its “miserable house” from within. (It appears that this is the same document Horowitz was referring to last night on Hannity.) Here is the video of my question to Al-Houdaibi in Mark LeVine’s class. It was shot by Jonathan Movroydis of Red County Campus Watch and is from Reut R Cohen blog.

Here is the link to the document, both in Arabic and English. On page 18, there is a list of affiliated organizations, which includes the Muslim Students Association (number 2).


Mr Al Houdaiby denied the authenticity of the document and stated it must have been a forgery. In his remarks and subsequent comments to my below-linked article, he referred to Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna and Muslim Brotherhood scholar and writer, Yusef Al-Qaradawy, as being against terrorism. Here is my posting from October 8, 2008.


Subsequently, I wrote another post entitled, “Where is Ibrahim El Houdaiby?”. That led to another exchange of comments (see below).


Another previous posting of mine featured LeVine’s written statement of defense of the Muslim Student Union members who were arrested for disrupting the speech by the Israeli ambassador on February 8, 2010.


I write this because much of the exchange between Horowitz and LeVine last night revolved around alleged connections between the MB and the Muslim Students Association and anti-Israel events on college campuses. (Israel Apartheid Week just concluded Thursday at UC-Irvine.)

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