Former Host of CNN’s ‘Believer’ Reza Aslan Asks if the World Is Better Off Without Rush Limbaugh

When left-wing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was recovering from lung cancer treatment, right-wing media figures as a whole showed compassion by sending her well wishes and prayers, but religious scholar Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, seems to have a different idea on how to publicly react to another fellow human being’s cancer diagnosis.

In a tweet, Aslan wondered aloud if the world would, in fact, be a “better place” if conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer — a disease he announced to be suffering from during his radio show on Monday.

“Ask yourself this simple question: Is the world a better place or a worse place with Rush Limbaugh in it?” Aslan openly pontificated.

Though some of Aslan’s followers piled on to this grotesque display of impropriety, others were notably enraged by it. Later, Aslan doubled down on his question by openly declaring Limbaugh a “curse upon this nation” who has caused “mass suffering.”

“I am not ‘celebrating’ anyone’s diagnosis. I’m posing an important philosophical question,” said Aslan. “Rush is not ‘my adversary’ — he is a curse upon this nation, a purveyor of hatred and racism who’s at the very least indirectly responsible for the mass suffering of countless people.”

Aslan is far from alone in his glee over Limbaugh’s diagnosis. None other than far-left activist Tariq Nasheed tweeted, “Rush Limbaugh has spent decades spewing dangerous anti-Black racism. Now he has cancer. ... I know we shouldn’t celebrate one’s misfortunes. ... but #PartyOverHere.”

In fairness, other left-wing advocates wished Limbaugh a speedy recovery.

“I wish Rush Limbaugh a safe and rapid recovery; which also includes a secret Empathy Transplant. May his pre-existing condition, and the pre-existing conditions of all the Americans he fights to keep from being covered for pre-existing conditions, never return,” tweeted John Fugelsang.

“No one should ever have to suffer from cancer. I can only hope Rush Limbaugh makes a speedy recovery and dedicates himself to advocating for cancer research and affordable health care for all people, not just those who can afford it in our current system,” tweeted Charlotte Clymer.

“As a liberal Democrat, I oppose Rush Limbaugh with every fiber of my being. But as a physician, I don’t wish advanced lung cancer on anybody. We must have compassion and empathy for suffering human beings—even for our political enemies. I wish him the most time with his family,” tweeted Eugene Gu.

While Reza Aslan speaks on the subject of human suffering, it can be noted here that pro-life religious conservatives largely believe abortion to be tantamount to murder. Despite that, however, here’s what some prominent conservatives said when left-wing, pro-abortion rights Justice Ginsburg underwent treatment after she broke her ribs in a fall:

“I understand a lot of conservatives don’t like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg because of her politics, but her friendship with Justice Antonin Scalia was beautiful. It should serve as an example to our country to stop demonizing those who you disagree with,” tweeted Kassy Dillon.

“Keeping Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in our prayers and wishing her a speedy recovery!” tweeted Students for Trump.

“Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, breaks ribs in fall. Best wishes for a quick recovery!” tweeted Tom Fitton.

“I sincerely hope that Justice Ginsburg heals from this fall. And if she must retire from the bench because of it, then I hope Donald Trump can name a 3rd pro-life justice to SCOTUS,” tweeted Patrick Madrid.

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