Harvard’s Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda Fest [incl. Norman Finkelstein]

University one of group’s ‘biggest propaganda machines’

Harvard University Law School hosted a Muslim Brotherhood-organized conference on April 13 billed as a “human rights” forum on Egypt and the Middle East.

The event, titled “As Goes Egypt, So Goes the Middle East: Changes Begin with Me,” was organized by Egyptians Abroad for Democracy, the overseas branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt’s current government and many other governments consider to be a violent Islamist movement intent on implementing Shariah law.

The conference featured four panels discussing Egypt’s role in the Middle East and “human rights violations” in Egypt today under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, whose government kicked out the previous Muslim Brotherhood-backed regime of Mohammad Morsi, who was supported by President Obama.

Dr. Mark Christian, executive director of the Global Faith Institute and a former imam who left Egypt and his Muslim Brotherhood-connected family 11 years ago to live in America, told WND that Harvard long ago sold its soul to the Brotherhood.

He said Harvard is home to the nation’s largest chapter of the Muslim Student Association, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood with the goal of indoctrinating and radicalizing U.S. college students with false information about Israel.

At the same time Israel is demonized, the Brotherhood’s umbrella organization, Hamas, is presented as a group fighting for the rights of a persecuted Palestinian people, Christian said.

While the CNN fact-checker declared that any statement naming the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization is “totally false,” Christian says he knows from personal experience that is not true.

“Harvard University is the home to the biggest MSA chapter in America, and their pledge of allegiance ends with, ‘I will die to establish Islam,’” he said.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal donated $20 million to Harvard in 2005 to establish a massive Islamic Studies Center on campus that was branded with his name.

The Alwaleed Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University is dedicated to furthering the scholarly study of Islam and the Muslim world.

“Harvard is the home for the core machine of interfaith dialogue adopted by the Islamic Society of North America and its parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood,” Christian said, adding that it also has a connection to President Obama.

“Prince Alwaleed is the one who helped Obama into Harvard and helped pay his tuition,” he said.

“So it’s just not a surprise when you see Harvard hosting the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Sam Westrop, research director for Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a Boston-based nonprofit, said the Muslim Brotherhood operates in the West under the guise of charity, human rights, benevolence and political discourse.

“This is how the Brotherhood is known to operate in the West, hence the presence of Amnesty International and the other far-left groups at the Harvard conference,” Westrop told WND.

Universities in Europe have had their academic status exploited by the Brotherhood over the years as well, he said.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Gandhi Global Center for Peace and Code Pink were all present at this week’s Muslim Brotherhood conference at Harvard.

“They dress up their rhetoric in the garb of human rights, and you suddenly have all the synthetic human-rights groups on their side,” Westrop said, “selling out their good name to endorse a murderous cause.

“The key thing here is the presence of the Amnesty International official,” he added. “As Harvard gives the Muslim Brotherhood legitimacy, the Amnesty presence was perhaps the bigger worry for us.”

And the Muslim influence on college campuses is not relegated to Harvard. The same Saudi prince who donated $20 million to Harvard forked over another $20 million to Georgetown and has given millions to other colleges.

“The influence is absolutely on the rise, and a lot of that I blame on government, which insists on working with Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, whether it’s general engagement of the Muslim community or, even worse, working with the Obama administration’s countering violent extremism program,” Westrop said.

Boston is a pilot for that White House’s “countering violent extremism” program. “And the administration has chosen to work with the worst, most violent elements,” Westrop said.

Boston is not only home to Harvard but it’s the home base for the Islamic Society of Boston, the largest Muslim Brotherhood mosque in the U.S.

The Boston Marathon bombers attended that mosque, as did Abu Samra, the chief ISIS propagandist, and Al-Siddiqui, the al-Qaida operative who tried to kill U.S. agents in Afghanistan.

“It’s one of the biggest Muslim Brotherhood mosques in the West, their flagship, and yet the White House’s countering violent extremism program saw them as pseudo allies,” Westrop said.

‘Just waiting for Hillary to take office’

Egypt recently gave Saudi Arabia two very strategic islands to be used to build a connection between Saudi Arabia and North Africa. The Saudis, in turn, gave Egypt $25 billion.

“Egypt is falling apart with more than 40 percent inflation, and Obama is not going to help because he supports the Muslim Brotherhood, not President el-Sisi,” Christian said. “So you see, the Middle East is embracing the change that is about to take place, which is the Muslim Brotherhood getting back in power. ... They’re just waiting for Hillary to take office.

“Harvard is one of the biggest propaganda machines in the United States for the Muslim Brotherhood, for political Islam and the country, because of the level of prestige that Harvard and its professors get, and they are used for backing up everything that is going Islamic in this country,” Christian added.

The Brotherhood professors at Harvard’s Islamic Studies Center have also been consulted for input on Common Core textbooks used in U.S. public schools, Christian said.

So it seems that Prince Alwaleed is getting a large return on his investment of $20 million into Harvard.

“He built the Islamic Studies Center there, and it’s the biggest in the country so they are taking advantage of Harvard as an institution and as a source to legitimize everything that is Islamic in this country,” he said.

Westrop said the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida only disagree on tactics, not the end goal.

“They share a vision on Shariah law, and where they disagree is the tactics. And I think the Western governments recognize this but have chosen to embrace the lesser of evils,” he said. “And there are some in government who no doubt share their goals and actively support it, who have gone beyond tolerating the Muslim Brotherhood to giving it their actual profound support.”

The April 13 conference at Harvard featured the following speakers:

• Said Abdelfatah – a professor at the University of Cairo and the former adviser to the Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi

• Sunjeev Bery – a senior Amnesty International official who is a noted apologist for the Muslim Brotherhood as well as its terrorist off-shoot, Hamas

• Abdul Mawgoud Dardery – an Egyptian parliamentarian and a prominent spokesperson for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

• Wael Qandil – editor of Al Araby Al Jadeed, a Qatari-funded media organization accused by Egyptian newspapers of being a Muslim Brotherhood front group. Al Arabiya describes Qandil as a prominent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

• Nahla Nasser – a spokesperson for Egyptians Abroad for Democracy who claims Jews attack pro-Palestinian activists

• Norman Finkelstein – a discredited academic who has praised the “heroic resistance” of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah. Finkelstein has also favorably compared Hezbollah with the French resistance against the Nazis. Finkelstein’s website is replete with references to Jews as Nazis. When the German publication, Die Welt, said to Finkelstein: “You call the holocaust an ideology,” he replied: “To be more precise, an ideological construction, that originally served the interests of the Jewish elite in America and has now degenerated into a money-making instrument. It has become a extortion racket.”

• Mohmed Elmasry – an academic at the University of North Alabama who is a prominent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and claims moderate Muslim opposition to the violent Islamist group is akin to the Nazis’ murder of European Jews

• Sara Flounders and Ramsey Clark – prominent far-left activists. The ADL has reported: “In January 2010, Ramsey Clark participated in a conference in Beirut in which various terrorist groups called for the destruction of Israel. A year before, Clark and IAC’s co-director Sara Flounders joined representatives of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations at a similar conference to discuss strategies for supporting Hamas and opposing Israeli and American interests in the Middle East.”

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