In preparing an article on how Phyllis Chesler, one of the few scholars and feminists to tackle the problem of honor-killings/shame murders in the Muslim world (and elsewhere, eg, Hindus in India, Sikhs to a much lesser extent everywhere), got disinvited from a conference on the subject of honor-killings, I managed to get a hold of the email that nixed her invitation. Written by three professors from the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies at University of Arkansas: Joel Gordon (History, author of email), Ted Swedenburg (Anthropology), and Mohja Kahf (Comparative Literature), it addressed Thomas Paradise, the Head of the King Fahd Center.
The letter is deeply embarrassing to its signers in its stupefying polemic, its craven reasoning, and its complete disregard for academic integrity. My guess (hope) is that its authors will object to its being made public in much the same way that “professors” of Middle Eastern Studies object to having their talks and class lectures made public.
UPDATE: Tom Paradise has been suspended as a result of his canceling Chesler’s participation, and the brave people who scuttled her are busy scrambling to get out of the hot seat. Ted Swedenburg told a journalist:
We did not call for her to be disinvited and how that happened, I don’t really know, because none of the three of us were a party to that discussion.
NB: issue of terminology. “Honor-killing” is a supposedly neutral term that does not judge. Instead, I think, it enables, using “to kill” where, by any standards of modern democracy, these are murders. My use of “shame-murders” not only identifies the act as murder, but makes it clear that this is not restoring family honor – what family is honored by killing its daughter? – but rather it is a grotesque and criminal way of trying to wipe out shame.
Below, a fisking of this McCarthyite letter attempting to ban a major researcher on the basis of a dogmatic and anti-intellectual ideology.
Dear Tom:
It has come to our attention that MEST is co-sponsoring Phyllis Chesler to lecture via Skype at the University of Arkansas Law School’s symposium about honor killings on 14 April 2017.
Chesler’s writings frequently feature on the ultra-right Breitbart forum as well as many other right-wing platforms.
One disturbing example is the pamphlet, The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam, that Chesler co-authored in 2007 with Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, who is is considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center to be “one of America’s most prolific and vociferous anti-Muslim propagandists.”
Presumably, in the Western world of academia (where academia means free speech), that taken insult would not suffice to silence a scholar’s voice.
The pamphlet was published by David Horowitz’ Freedom Center, which frequently targets students and scholars for speaking out about justice for Palestinians.
The pamphlet is a catalogue of horrors inflicted on women that are said to be the outcome of Islam’s essential nature. “Islamic gender apartheid,” Chesler and Spencer write, “is not caused by western imperialism, colonialism, or racism. It is indigenous to Islam both theologically and historically.”
But note that Chesler and Spencer do not argue “essentialism”, a term attributed to them by the authors. On the contrary, the main purpose of the sentence quoted is to oppose the argument (which one could also consider essentialist) that whatever violence and maltreatment Muslim men inflict on their women is a reaction to Western colonial oppression, and to assert rather, that the gender apartheid that enables this behavior is indigenous to the region both theologically (ie Shari’a legalizes the apartheid), and historically (or, one might say, culturally over a longue durée). After all, honor-killing has the explicit approval of one of the highest Islamic authorities, the 14th century Reliance of the Traveller:
Retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right, [except when] a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring” (section o1.1-2).
Anyone familiar with the record, and not twisting in the wind to disexplain it, would agree that gender apartheid – superior legal status for Muslim men over women (and Muslims over infidels) – is historically and theologically indigenous to Islam. Anyone who wants to explain male-female relations in Islam, past, present, and (alas, for some time) future, without an awareness of this fundamental, Muslim-male-assumed difference in status between men and women, will lack precisely the explanatory depth that – as a scholar – he or she owes her or his readers. To ban such a position as unpronounceable is an act of deliberate stupefaction.
Chesler has also said, “It’s easy to say, yes, the Muslims are against everyone who is not a Muslim. [...] The West, and that means Jews and Israelis, would like to lead sweet and peaceful lives. We’re up against an enemy now that is dying to kill us, that lives to kill, and that at best merely wishes to impose on the rest of us its laws and strictures.” (Fern Sidman, “Israel Today & Always: Breaking Ranks – An Interview With Phyllis Chesler,” The Jewish Press, August 15, 2007)
So what is Chesler’s sin? Has she gone too far in not specifying “triumphalist Muslims” and instead tarred them all the with brush of their tradition? Perhaps. Do people need to ask themselves how great the percentage of Muslims who have been/are still subjected to the harshest teachings about infidels by their religious guides? Yes. Does one chase out someone who brings up the subject, or discuss it?
Even the harshest part of Chesler’s comment, that Muslims who want to “impose on the rest of us its laws and strictures” (ie Shari’a) – are “dying to kill us,” was alas, true of groups both religious (Hamas) and “secular” (Fatah) in 2007. The problem is that in the language of the “left”, even Hamas is a progressive force, so their “weapons of resistance” were seen as noble, to be celebrated. To dwell on the moral depravity involved is to, in the words of a Muslim participant in a dialogue I was part of in 2002 – “dehumanize my people.” Humanitarian racism: how dare you judge Muslims negatively.
Our work is to educate students on the Middle East, not to promote bigotry.
Our work is to promote a positive view of Islam, not educate our students to think about the empirical world, past and present.
The Executive Travel Order of February 2017 specifically mentions honor killings as a means of differentiating Muslims and capitalizing on fear of Muslims.
The Executive Travel Order of February 2017 (which we all know is a xenophobic, Islamophobic, travesty of justice), specifically mentions honor-killings as a means of differentiating Muslims and in so doing, it capitalizes on fear of Muslims
In addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including “honor” killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Honor killings are part of rape culture. Any manifestation of rape culture in any society, including the U.S., is reprehensible. Condemning rape culture and honor killings must not be tainted with bigotry and Islamophobia.
This definitional sleight of hand is designed to say that since rape culture can be found everywhere, hence honor-killings are (presumably) to be found everywhere (not). In an alternative version, honor-killings are just part of domestic violence and do not deserve any special attention. So, by this logic, one should not taint denunciations of shame-murders with the bigotry of pointing out that a) they are largely a Muslim phenomenon in their native settings (Arab and Muslim world, present but less pronounced among Sikhs, Hindus), and b) Muslims predominate even more in their committing honor-killings in the West. But if one cannot, in the name of avoiding “bigotry” and “Islamophobia” make that observation, then one is forbidden to discuss empirical evidence.
The flabbiness of the thinking, the mechanical application of polemically defined definitional terms, the dogmatic assertions of closed positions, all reflect a tremendous decline in academic standards. No wonder there’s dissentophobia at King Fahd’s Center: anyone speaking intelligently would undermine the credibility of the credulous.
While we welcome respectful debate and diverse opinions, we believe that bigotry should not be promoted on this campus.
Our program in particular has the responsibility not to be the sponsor of an event featuring a prominent Islamophobe. Sponsoring an event with Chesler on the program sends the opposite message to our students.
Sponsoring such a speaker also contributes to an unsafe environment for students on our campus already at risk for hate-based violence.
We have asked that MEST provide, via Skype, a qualified speaker to follow Chesler’s remarks. This was deemed not feasible.
We ask that MEST publicly withdraw its sponsorship from this symposium.
We ask that MEST provide copies of the Islamophobia Is Racism syllabus, created by a collective of academics inspired by the Ferguson syllabus, for distribution at the symposium.
It’s essentially the equivalent of the papal index: de libris non recipiendum (of those (heretical) books not to be received, not to be made available for reading). Having located Phyllis Chesler on the list of “right-wing Islamophobes,” it’s a simple step to banning her.
We ask that MEST release a statement condemning Islamophobia and bigotry, and affirming its commitment to gender justice and diversity, and that this statement be read at the symposium.
If there were any scholarly integrity here, they’d be handing out copies of Chesler’s corpus on the subject of shame-murders to those attending to challenge their thinking.
Not a snowball’s chance in hell. On the contrary, we have a terrorized community of scholars hiding behind a twisted ideology that conceals their fear and stupefies their students and colleagues. Some, like Paradise, are just terrified, others, like Gordon and Swedenburg, are the traditional dhimmi leaders making sure the infidels don’t offend or upset the triumphalist Muslims. All in all, it’s a pathetic picture of academia in major decay.