It has Footnotes

John Mearsheimer and Stephan Walt in the Executive Intelligence Review, I mean, the London Review of Books, have produced an archetypal critique of America’s Israel (read) Jewish lobby. Those interested in the never before told tale of Israel’s strategic cost to the US, perfidy toward its ally, complete and utter badness toward the Palestinians, past and future military superiority over Arab countries, and most of all, the clever machinations of global Jewry (neo-cons! Clean Break! Christian Zionists! Washington Institute! Campus Watch!), controlling a succession of American administrations, may read it and be amazed.

That their story got out at all, given the all-pervasive Zionist thought police, is a minor miracle. Clearly someone at the Mossad or AIPAC was asleep at the switch.

The threats, the cajoling, the lies, the defiance, the dual loyalties, the poisoning of wells, the black helicopters, you get the idea. Of course there is the “policing of universities.” The only thing missing is from their production is how George Schultz secretly controlsBenjamin Netanyahu on behalf of international bankers.

Readers are invited to compare the fruits of Chicago and Harvard, from these paragons of neo-realist thought in political science, with this item, or this, or this.

Carefully researched on THE INTERNET, the full fruits of their tenured labor may be found in pdf form at$File/rwp_06_011_walt.pdf It has footnotes.

How any of their opprobrium comports with former Kerry campaign advisor Mearsheimer’s statementthat “Realists tend not to draw sharp distinctions between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ states, because all great powers act according to the same logic, regardless of their culture, political system, or who runs the government” is really beside the point. Strategic self-interest, moralism, whatever.

To quote myself, political science is journalism with footnotes. Note that I didn’t say what kind of journalism. Perhaps someday if Chicago and Harvard seem too small an arena the abovementioned could write for Counterpunch.

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