Obama Disappoints The Hysterical Jewish Peaceniks. How Must Rashid Khalidi Feel?

I hope this doesn’t bother his mother. But you have no particular reason to know who M.J. Rosenberg is. He is in the Jewish “peace camp,” as if there were much of a Jewish “war camp.” And he is has been in the Jewish peace camp for a long time. These are the people who commune with the Arab “war camp” or the Palestinian “war camp,” even if they actually call themselves what they are. Cover is usually given by the “mainstream” Protestant churches, still quite rich from when Theodore Roosevelt called the Episcopals “the Republican Party assembled for prayer.” But mainstream none of them are any longer. They are now the “tricklebrook” churches issuing dicta to the city and to the world direct from upper Riverside Drive.

Still, there are still Jews who are thrilled, positively thrilled to be in their presence. And M.J. Rosenberg is one of them. These Jewish peaceniks used to love Barack Obama. Now, just overnight, they hate him. Read Mr. Rosenberg’s missive below.

And me? I marvel at his dexterity.

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