Palestinian Authority Security Forces Beat up University Students, World Condemnation does not Follow

As we’ve previously reported, Palestinian oppression of Palestinian universities is (a) a fact, and one that is (b) regularly ignored by the West.On August 23, Palestinian Authority (PA) “security forces” raided Bir Zeit University dormitories and assaulted its students. As reported by Khaled Abu Toameh in the Jerusalem Post, the raid was part of an ongoing crackdown against Hamas supporters in the West Bank.
Hamas is a terrorist group that seized control of the Gaza Strip from the PA in 2007. It has support in the West Bank, although how much is difficult to gauge since there haven’t been any elections since the Hamas takeover in Gaza. The PA has scheduled and canceled elections a few times. Naturally, Hamas has held none in Gaza. Hamas is certainly popular at Bir Zeit. Its affiliate won a landslide victory in student council elections last May.

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