File this under “The more things change.”
Muslim propagandist Ingrid Mattson will reportedly help lead Barack Obama’s inaugural prayer service tomorrow. (Via Ed.)
Teensy-weensy problem: She’s tied to Hamas and is president of the Islamic Society of North America — the same group named by federal prosecutors as a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation jihad-financing case. The defendants in that trial, you will recall, were convicted on all terror-related counts in November.
*Winfield Myers broke the story over the weekend and sums it up:
Mattson’s participation in President-elect Obama’s Inaugural festivities heralds the incoming administration’s intent to follow the Bush administration’s practice of ignoring her long history of shilling for radical Islam. In lending its imprimatur to ISNA, the Obama White House proves that opening the doors of power to Wahhabi apologists is the kind of bi-partisan undertaking we’d all be better off without.
Obama’s entanglement with ISNA is simply a carry-over from the Bush administration, alas, which has long legitimized ISNAand other jihad apologists groups with one hand while the other hand set about prosecuting terror-related crimes.
After failing to condemn Grover Norquist for recklessly engaging in indiscriminate Muslim outreach to fill GOP coffers, most Beltway Republicans are in no position now to whine about Obama’s dalliance with ISNA.
Reap. Sow.