UN Human Rights Council expert Richard Falk said in a statment that Bostonians got what they deserved noting that George W. Bush sought a pre-text to invade Iraq and dropped a famous quote which blamed America.
Falk’s commentary began by stating how ‘Islamaphobic’ America has become and how Bush manipulated the crowds to go to war in Iraq, “the neocon presidency of George W. Bush was in 2001, prior to the attacks, openly seeking a pretext to launch a regime-changing war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and the 9/11 events, as interpreted and spun, provided just the supportive domestic climate needed for launching an aggressive war against the Baghdad regime.”
The article then attacks Bostonians directly with their “hysterical dragnet” before explaining how Boston’s dead were “canaries” that “have to die” because of America’s “fantasy of global domination.”
“The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world. In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen, especially if there is no disposition to rethink US relations to others in the world, starting with the Middle East.”
Some critics may interpret that comment as a threat, especially as Falk says the US needs to better accommodate the demands of “the Islamic world,” especially over the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Critics attack Falk, saying he espouses the worst forms of antisemitism from his UN perch, and for his efforts has been rewarded with repeated opportunities by the Council to lecture others on his world view.
“Obama’s March trip to Israel was highlighted by his March 21st speech in Jerusalem, which was delivered as a love letter to the Israeli public rather than qualifying as a good faith effort to demonstrate his belief in a just peace. Such obsequious diplomacy was a disappointment even to those of us with low expectations in what the White House is willing to overcome the prolonged ordeal of the Palestinian people.”