Unbiased Media? Not In This Presidential Election [incl. Rashid Khalidi]

One of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, generated many memorable quotations, two of which summarize the results of the most critical presidential election in our history, one with serious ramifications for future generations.

For those who were swayed by Sen. Obama’s populist, political promises of government largess: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

For those who abhor Obama’s political persuasions and fear for the future of the republic and the integrity of the Constitution, they know that: “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

The objectivity of the mainstream media reached its nadir during this presidential campaign. The liberal bias was evident in both newspapers and television:

Negative aspects of Obama’s life and his association with influential but radical people were suppressed or explained away as inconsequential.

Obama’s voting record, both in the Illinois State Senate and the U.S. Senate, were a non-issue to the media.

His positions on cap-and-trade and military/defense issues were not reported.

The media ignored his contradictory tax policy statements.

The L.A. Times newspaper withheld video of Obama at a party feting controversial professor Rashid Khalidi, an alleged mouthpiece for the PLO while it was a designated terrorist group in the 1970s and ‘80s.

While being interviewed on PBS’s Charlie Rose Show (Oct. 30), Tom Brokaw stated what might be the quintessential summary of the media’s self-imposed ignorance of Obama’s history. Brokaw and Rose had been going back and forth about the dearth of knowledge regarding Obama’s worldviews and his foreign policy, when Brokaw said, “There’s a lot about him we don’t know.” Well, Tom, there sure was a lot to know if you had any interest in doing so.

The media’s suppression and omission of critical facts about Obama’s history left a void to be filled by Obama’s scripted, mesmerizing rhetoric. The media’s biased reporting, documented as negative against Sen. McCain, was a despicable display of election engineering and an absolute abuse of the First Amendment. No doubt, the same media will be supporting the passage of the “Fairness Doctrine” because AM radio conservative talk shows are not “balanced” with the liberal view. Please!

As Jefferson wrote: “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” The people were not well-informed during this year’s campaign, and we now will have a government that can’t be trusted to preserve, let alone follow, the precepts of the Constitution with activist judges appointed for life skewering our rights and liberties with an unlegislated socialist agenda.

In God we trust? No: God, help us all!

William M. Niro Brunswick Hills

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