Yale: Betraying Nathan Hale, Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

When Nathan Hale, Yale Class of 1773, was caught in New York gathering intelligence on the British, he was hanged as a rebel spy. His very famous last words are said to have been: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” He was 21 years old. Notably, his statue by Bela Lyon Pratt, which stands on Yale’s Old Campus, was a gift of Yale alumni 141 years after Hale’s death -- testament to the reverence sucessive generations of Americans at Yale felt for him.

In adescription of the statue of Nathan Hale, there is this suddenly pertinent fact about this 1914 gift from Yale alumni:

Unable to afford the renowned Gilded Age sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, they commissioned the piece from his former assistant, Bela Pratt.

“Unable to afford” ... they economized? They didn’t turn to a Saudi Arabian oil well, I mean, “prince” for cash?

How times have changed. I wrote extensively last week about Yale’s revolting pursuit ofIslamic lucre that appears to have crescendoed with its now notorious decision to enforce sharia prohibitions against depictions of Mohammed at the Yale University Press. (Scroll blog archive here.)

I argued that Yale’s public fawning over the UAE’s notorious ruling Maktoum family, and its selection of Muna Abu Salayman, Saudi Arabia’s Talal bin Alwaleed’s “general secretary,” as a Yale World Fellow must be seen as context and background to its sharia-censorship of its own press.

I thought that was rotten enough, but it gets worse. From the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report via Family Security Matters: New Yale World fellow Muna Abu Salayman is not only a cohort of Alwaleed, she is also the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood kingpin.

Nathan Hale gave his life going behind enemy lines. Now, his beloved alma mater is welcoming the enemy in ....


Ms. Muna Abu Sulayman is the daughter of Dr. AbdulHamid Abu Sulayman, one of the most important figures in the history of the global Muslim Brotherhood. According to various biographies, Dr. Abu Sulayman was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and received his BA and MA at the University of Cairo and a PhD in International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania in 1973. His global Muslim Brotherhood affiliations include:

Secretary General of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) (1973-79)
Chairman, Department of Political Science at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (1982-84)
Initial Board of Directors SAAR Foundation (1983)
Founding member of The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) (1972) and its former President, (1985-87)
Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia (1989-1999)

Dr. Abu Sulayman is currently Chairman of the Board and trustee of International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and its former president and founding member. IIIT was founded in the U.S. in 1980 by important members of the Global Muslim Brotherhood who wished to promote the “Islamization of Knowledge.” IIIT was associated with the now defunct SAAR Foundation, a network of Islamic organizations located in Northern Virginia that was raided by the Federal government in 2003 in connection with the financing of terrorism.

In addition to her father’s role in the global Muslim Brotherhood, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal himself is known to have many connections to the global Brotherhood. Previous posts have discussed:

A $1.5 million donation made by Prince Bin Talal to a scholarship program hosted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
A $20 million donation made by Prince Bin Talal to the Georgetown University Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (CCMU), run by long-time Muslim Brotherhood supporter Dr. John Esposito
Large donations made to the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue (IIFD), a pan-Islamic interfaith dialog organization that is closely tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood.

Now for more on the Maktoum foundation -- the “educational” foundation, I reported last week, Yale Secretary and Vice President Linda Lorimer declared “we at Yale” to be “inspired by.” According to GMBDR:

Yale University itself has also established a relationship with the Maktoum Foundation, known also to fund the European Muslim Brotherhood...

A reportby the NEFA Foundation has discussed the role of the Maktoum Foundation in funding the European Brotherhood.

I cannot tell from the NEFA report whether the Maktoum Foundation they cite is in fact the exact same Maktoum foundation (The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, founded 2007) Yale looks “forward to continue partnering with ... for years to come” -- in Yale’s Lorimer’s despicable words. But I can you this: It is the same family, with the same sympathies.

And the utterly mind-blowing, astonishing fact is that 21st-century Yale declares itself “inspired” by such a family, and, in effect, the wider Muslim Brotherhod family, in the way 20th-century Yale was inspired by ... Nathan Hale.

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