Yale on The Vineyard [incl. Omer Bajwa]

Some people just know how to live. Take those Yalies lucky enough to summer on “the Vineyard” -- Martha’s natch. They all look forward to:

Yale Day in the Sun!

From Yale Vineyard Alumni:

Please join the Yale family for our “Yale Day in the Sun on Martha’s Vineyard.”

GnT’s? Boating? Croquet maybe? Not exactly.

Enjoy an afternoon of intellectual stimulation, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones.


The afternoon begins with lectures from two of our esteemed Yale colleagues, Master Jonathan Holloway, Professor of History, African American Studies and American Studies presenting, “The Right Kind of People: The Silences in a Civil Rights Narrative.” And Omer Bajwa, Coordinator of Muslim Life at Yale presenting, “Muslim Life at Yale and Beyond: Engaging the Sacred & the Secular.”

Then have fun in the sun with a cocktail reception.

I don’t know Master Holloway, but what could be more fun -- in or out of the sun -- than a lecture on “silences in a civil rights narrative”? As for Omer Bajwa, Yale’s“Muslim victory” chaplain? A regular laugh riot as regular readers of this blog already know. Bajwa reportedly told an Islamabad audience “Muslims will win the final victory in the West if they conform to their beliefs and disseminate the message of Islam with wisdom and politeness”

Whatever will he say next?


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