So much for intellectual courage and journalistic integrity.
Atlas Shrugs blogged about the Yale University Press decision to delete 14 cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Mohamed (cartoons that literally shook the world) from a newly published book by author Jytte Klausen titled Cartoons that Shook the World:
The big brass non-existent balls of our heaviest heavyweight intellectual elites: they are weeping like little girls, wetting their bloomers for fear of insulting Islam.
Yes, those giant amoebas at Yale University Press published a book about the cartoon jihad: The Cartoons That Shook the World by Jytte Klausen, but would not publish the cartoons. Got that?
John Donatich, the director of Yale University Press, explained that “the cartoons are freely available on the Internet and can be accurately described in words,” and thus “reprinting them could be interpreted easily as gratuitous.” He said he had “never blinked” when publishing controversial material before, but “when it came between that and blood on my hands, there was no question.”
Why publish the book at all if you’re going to leave out the cartoons that are the most controversial (i.e. the most world-shaking). Isn’t that the entire point of the friggin book?
That would be like omitting World War I and World War II from a book on the “Great Wars of the 20th Century” on account of you don’t want to offend Germans.
If You Aren’t Willing to Kill, You Deserve to be Offended in a Cartoon
Let me see if I have this straight: The cartoons that speak ill of Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism stay in the book because proponents of these religions won’t kill people for publishing them.
Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Reward the most murderous of the religious crazies and bludgeon the least murderous.
If Yale were honest it would retitle the book “Cartoons that Offend Only Christians and Jews.”
It could be aggressively marketed in Islamic countries. I am sure it would sell like hotcakes there.
Anyone who buys this bowdlerized piece of junk is a living, breathing sucker and deserves to be ripped off – repeatedly and often.
The Radical Left and the Righteous Path of Least Resistance
Did you ever wonder why the radical left focuses its vitriol on America and Christianity rather than (the truly dangerous) Arabia and Islam?
Here’s a hint: It’s yellow and runs the length of a nutroot’s spine.
For all the self-congratulatory gibberish about their courage to “speak truth to power” radical lefties are secure in the knowledge that when they protest against America nothing untoward will happen to them. They know it doesn’t kill 200 random people merely because someone published a cartoon it didn’t like.
And these chronic malcontents may be wackjobs but they aren’t suicidal. (Unless, of course, their guyloses an election to a conservative.)
For instance, you won’t see a radical leftist speak “truth” to Islamic clerics who stone women or to genocidal tyrants like Saddam Hussein and his sadistic sons, Lenny and Squiggy, unless he can do it anonymously and from afar. Yet, he’ll travel anywhere, at anytime to speak ill of his own country.
Typically you’ll find him gushing to a foreign audience chosen carefully in advance for its allegiance to his views.
Ballsy, huh?
Frequency of Protests against America Prove it’s Greatness
Only militant imbeciles and those who stand to gain from the defamation of America’s reputation will see the frequency of anti-American protests as evidence of the insidiousness of America’s policies. In truth, the fact that there are frequent demonstrations in protest of America is an indication that the U.S. tolerates dissent and respects the freedom and liberty of individuals to speak their minds. In short, it’s proof of America’s civility and greatness, not, as the America bashers would have you believe, its wickedness.
Excuse my crudeness, but a radical protests against America for the same reason a dog licks himself: Because he can!
Yale University Press, left wing activists and the Michael Moore’s of the world reserve their faux outrage for those who are least likely to retaliate against them – and this is almost always America – not, as they would have you believe for those who most deserve that outrage.
Do you really think Michael Moore will ever have the testicular fortitude to do a jerkumentary about the ravages of Islam?
If he does, I have a title he can use: “Stoning for Palestine.”