Comment on Charles Freeman’s Withdrawal from the NIC

PHILADELPHIA – The Middle East Forum welcomes the news that Charles Freeman “has requested that his selection to be Chairman of the National Intelligence Council not proceed.”

Steven J. Rosen of the Middle East Forum was the person who first brought attention to the problematic nature of Freeman’s appointment, in a February 19 blog titled “Alarming appointment at the CIA.” Within hours, the word was out; Mr. Rosen then followed up with many more items on Freeman at his blog, Obama Mideast Monitor. Three weeks later, Freeman conceded defeat.

Only someone with Mr. Rosen’s stature and credibility could have made this happen. The Forum congratulates him and is proud of this early achievement by the Forum’s newly created Washington Project.

Immediate release

For more information, contact Amy Shargel at
215-546-5406, ex. 22

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