Daniel Pipes Called One of Harvard’s Most Influential Living Alumni

News from the Middle East Forum

Daniel Pipes has been named a member of the “Harvard 100,” defined as the university’s most influential living alumni, in the inaugural issue of 02138 magazine.

Pipes is described as “one of the few scholars who can claim to have predicted the 9/11 attacks” and is credited with influencing the administration’s policy toward Islamist terrorism. The names of list members are in the magazine with icons denoting whether their career momentum is trending up, down, or at a plateau. Pipes, who ranks #84 on the list, has a career upswing icon.

Bill Gates and President George W. Bush came in at numbers 1 and 2 on the list, respectively. Others listed include Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, writer John Updike, architect Frank O. Gehry, and cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

Those on the Harvard 100 list were chosen on the basis of the influence they hold, defined as “more than power, distinct from intelligence, related but not always proportional to fame and fortune, proportional but not always dependent on innovation and originality,” including “an element of public recognition and an element of quiet genius. We singled out people who made us think differently about subjects that already interested us, and we gravitated toward visionaries who made us think about entirely new subjects.”

02138 states its mission “to track the Harvard tribe and to look at the world through the lens of Harvard – with intellectual rigor and a critical eye.”

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