BBC: Trudeau’s Islamophobia Tsar Facing Calls to Resign

Amira Elghawaby, Canada's "Islamophobia" Tsar, has been asked to resign because of statements she made in an article she wrote in 2019. (YouTube screenshot.)

Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s “Islamophobia” Tsar, has been asked to resign because of statements she made in an article she wrote in 2019. (YouTube screenshot.)

Canada’s first-ever anti-Islamophobia tsar is facing calls to resign after an op-ed resurfaced in which she called Quebecers Islamophobic.

Amira Elghawaby was appointed last week to the new position by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In 2019, she co-wrote an opinion piece attacking a Quebec law that banned public servants from wearing religious symbols, including hijabs.

Last week, after her words resurfaced, she walked back her comments.

She said her article was meant to be a criticism of the law, not Quebecers themselves.

The op-ed, which she co-wrote in 2019 with a social activist for the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, read: “Unfortunately, the majority of Quebecers appear to be swayed not by the rule of law, but by anti-Muslim sentiment.”

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