CAIR Condemns AMP anti-Semitism

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has denounced the anti-Semitism of senior AMP official Sayel Kayed.

Back in February, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)-New Jersey president (and former AMP national board member) Sayel Kayed gave a talk at the Muslim Center of Middlesex County in Piscataway, NJ. The Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI) revealed that Kayed expressed several anti-Semitic sentiments. Not only did Sayed endorse the protracted periods of Arab violence against Jews in Israel known as the Intifadas, Kayed also agreed with an audience member who repeated the previously debunked anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Ashkenazi Jews are not really Jews, but ethnic Russians, descended from “Khazars.”

Islamist Watch contacted Jim Sues, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) New Jersey chapter to request a comment. Despite CAIR’s frequent partnership with AMP, Mr. Sues and CAIR-NJ condemned the AMP, stating, “CAIR has a long history of challenging anti-Semitism in all its forms. We believe that such statements are inappropriate.”

When Islamist Watch contacted CAIR-National spokesperson Ibrahim Hooper for comment on Sayed’s speech, Mr. Hooper too condemned the AMP-NJ president, saying, “CAIR has a long history of challenging anti-Semitism in all its forms. We believe that such statements are inappropriate and should be condemned.”

IW welcomes CAIR’s condemnation of AMP’s anti-Semitism. It is long overdue.

Samantha Rose Mandeles
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