The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations is denouncing an alleged al-Qaida supported terror plot to attack a Via Rail passenger train but is concerned about retaliation against Muslims.
The accused in the case identify themselves as Muslims but the council wants to make it clear that this is not what Islam is about.
“Our message to anyone who espouses this ideology of violence is this — you have nothing to do with our faith,” said Ihsaan Gardee, the council’s executive director.
Gardee says some are trying to distort their religion to achieve their own personal or political goals.
But Gardee believes this story could spark retaliation against Islam.
“There’s an actual concern because we have seen it in the past. It’s not something that hasn’t gone unreported.”
Following high-profile cases like this, Muslims in Canada normally see a spike in vandalism, discrimination, harassment and assault, Gardee said.
“We fully trust that our fellow citizens will see this for what it is — the alleged criminal and misguided actions of a few do not reflect or represent Canadian Muslim communities.
He says there are many complex issues that could drive someone to radicalism but those extreme ideologies are not a reflection of the Islamic faith, pointing out most of the nearly one million Muslims in Canada are peaceful.