Clash of the Radical Titans

Keith Ellison and Thomas Perez vie for the post of DNC chairman.

It is a classic matchup that places the Democratic Party’s unwavering commitment to diversity on full display: The two front-runners in this week’s election for DNC chairman are a race-obsessed black hate monger and a race-obsessed Hispanic hate monger. The former is Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota. The latter is Thomas Perez, who served as Assistant Attorney General in the Obama Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, and subsequently as Obama’s Secretary of Labor. A clash of titans, if there ever was one.

Consider, first, Ellison’s track record. At various times, he has characterized the U.S. Constitution as “the best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples"; advocated slavery reparations as well as the creation of a geographically self-contained “homeland” for black people; and defended the late Nation of Islam spokesman and black supremacist Khalid Abdul Muhammad, who famously rejoiced in the murder of white and Jewish “devils.” From the late 1980s through the late ‘90s, Ellison spent at least a decade as a spokesman for that same Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, whose long history of venom-laced references to “white devils” and Jewish “bloodsuckers” is well documented.

Over the years, Ellison, who is a Muslim convert, has been a featured speaker at major conferences held by such organizations as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations as well as the Muslim American Society, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Islamic Society of North America. All of these groups have deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which in turn is the ideological wellspring from which both Hamas and al Qaeda were born.

Moreover, Ellison’s very obvious Jew-hatred only enhances his resumé as a Democratic leader. Aside from his aforementioned ties to the anti-Semitic cesspool known as the Nation of Islam, Ellison in 2010 authored a Congressional letter calling on President Obama to use diplomatic pressure to end Israel’s “blockade” of Gaza—a blockade which had been imposed in order to stop Hamas terrorists from continuing to import deadly weaponry for the slaughter of Jews. At a 2010 fundraiser hosted by jihad supporter Esam Omeish, Ellison made plain his belief that Israel played far too large a role in controlling American foreign policy. During a 2014 Israeli military incursion that was launched in response to myriad rocket attacks by Hamas-affiliated terrorists in Gaza, Ellison argued that any ceasefire should be predicated upon Israel ending its Gaza blockade. That same year, Ellison was one of only eight House members to vote against a resolution to increase the amount of U.S. financial aid earmarked to help Israel maintain the Iron Dome missile-defense system that had successfully intercepted hundreds of Hamas rockets aimed at Israeli population centers.

And of course, no Democrat worth his salt would ever approve a measure that might actually strengthen the national security of the United States. Thus when President Obama announced in September 2015 that he planned to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S. during the ensuing year, Ellison complained that this was not nearly enough. That same month, Ellison voiced his unequivocal support for the passage of the Iran Nuclear Deal, an agreement that allowed the Islamist regime in Tehran to enrich uranium, build advanced centrifuges, purchase ballistic missiles, fund terrorism, and be guaranteed a near-zero breakout time to a nuclear bomb approximately a decade down the road.

Perez’s credentials are equally rife with racial obsessions and bad judgment, making him an equally perfect choice for DNC chairman.

In 1996, for instance, he was instrumental in facilitating the passage of the Church Arson Prevention Act, a bill founded on a massive hoax claiming that African American churches were being targeted by arsonists at a disproportionately high rate.

In 1998-99, as a deputy assistant attorney general in President Clinton’s Justice Department, Perez helped establish a Task Force to improve the working conditions of illegal aliens. Moreover, he worked to eliminate the disproportionate assignment of black and Hispanic students to special-education programs; to increase the number of nonwhite students in “gifted and talented” programs; and to eliminate racial profiling by law-enforcement. Also during the late 1990s and early 2000s, Perez was a board member of Casa de Maryland, a George Soros-funded advocacy group for illegal aliens.

As President Obama’s Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in 2009, Perez declared that his mission was to help those Americans who were “living in the shadows"—a reference not only to illegal aliens, but also to “our Muslim-American brothers and sisters subject to post-9/11 backlash"; “communities of color disproportionately affected by the subprime meltdown"; “LGBT brothers and sisters ... forced to confront discrimination"; and “all too many children lacking quality education.”

As Perez sees things, the list of those who are victimized by American inequities is endless. On the premise that discrimination—both “blatant” and “dangerously subtle"—"persists ... in so many of our institutions,” he laments that “women [are] still fighting for pay equity in the workplace"; that “newcomers to our country face bigotry and hate because of the language they speak, the clothes they wear, the color of their skin, or the accent in their voice"; that "[Klansman] crosses are still burned in yards across the nation’s heartland"; and that “acts of violence are still committed because of an individual’s skin color, or because of who they love, or because of where they come from.”

Perez reflexively politicizes everything he touches. In 2011, PJ Media published a 12-part series of exposés revealing that, without exception, every attorney hired by Perez’s Civil Rights Division had a leftist or Democrat activist pedigree.

Also a few years ago, DOJ veteran J. Christian Adams gave damning public testimony about how Perez and other Obama Justice Department officials believed that “civil-rights law should not be enforced in a race-neutral manner, and should never be enforced against blacks or other national minorities.” Soon thereafter, DOJ official Christopher Coates corroborated Adams’ assertion that the Justice Department had routinely ignored civil-rights cases involving white victims. And a 2013 Inspector General’s report stated that as far as Perez was concerned, voting-rights laws did “not cover white citizens.”

So, the two leading contenders for the position of DNC chairman perfectly embody the values of a party that stands unequivocally for the promotion of racial and ethnic divisions, inter-group jealousies and hatreds, the dissolution of America’s borders, and the weakening of U.S. national security. Consequently, this may rank among the most irrelevant elections in American political history. Whoever wins will be more-than-qualified to lead the Democratic Party ever-deeper into the sewer of racism and Marxism.

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