Controversial plans to convert a vacant warehouse in Belgrave into a prayer facility, nursery and education centre are set to be rejected.
Fusion Consulting Ltd has applied for planning permission to change the use of the industrial building in Belper Street.
The proposal has led to a huge number of objections being sent to planning officers at Leicester City Council.
More than 1,435 letters of objection have been sent to officials, as well as petitions with a total of 3,569 names.
Some 350 representations have been made in support of the plan to establish the Belper Education Centre, as it would be called.
Many of the concerns sent to the council point out that the area is largely made up of Hindu families and the proposed centre would be a Muslim organisation.
Other concerns relate to potential disturbance from early morning activity in the street, and parking problems and traffic congestion that would be generated by worshippers and other users of the centre.
Leicester East MP Keith Vaz has also registered an objection to the scheme, based on concerns about traffic, parking and noise, that were raised by residents during a public meeting he organised and another arranged by the applicant.
The council says the supporters of the project say it would provide local residents with “religious education, especially for those of Islamic faith within the area”.
The supporters insist it will be an educational facility, not a mosque, as many objectors have said in their representations.
Members of the city council’s planning committee will be asked to decide whether to permit the scheme at a meeting next Thursday.
Planning officers have recommended they refuse it permission.
Some objectors say the proper planning and consultation process has not been followed but the council says it has met all the necessary requirements.
What the council said
A city council planning spokesman said: “As a result of the proposed uses, the nature of the property and its location, the proposal would result in increased on-street activity, noise from people and vehicles particularly in the late evening and early morning.
“This would result in significant harm to the residential amenity conditions of nearby residents and other users of the street.”
The report goes on to say: “The concerns regarding to community cohesion, potential tensions between the proposed users and the residents or potential riots, a Muslim centre in close proximity to a temple and church and other issues relating to religion are not material planning considerations.”