Filming Beginning on New Documentary About Pro-Islam Bias in Education

The Christian Action Network is pleased to announce that on October 17, filming will begin on our next documentary! The film will cover the pro-Islam bias in the education system and how radical Islamists are helping teach our kids, while Christians are often ridiculed.

Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations are involved with our schools. Textbooks are cleansed of references to ‘radical Islam” and mislead students about the ideological cause of 9/11. Extremist speakers are brought on college campuses and into public schools. Universities get funding from Iran and Saudi Arabia for their Middle East programs. The Muslim Students Association, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, is on over 150 college campuses. Yes, the problem really is that big!

Students at a public school in Georgia recently had to read a made-up letter from a Muslim woman praising polygamy and saying, “Women in the West do not have the protection of the Sharia as we do here.” CAN has reached out to the father of a student who had to learn from this assignment.

In our film, we will be exposing all of this and more as we travel around the country. If you have a personal story you’d like to tell, email Jason Campbell at

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