Germany: Leftist Mob Beats up Leading Anti-Islam Politician

Following the recent plot to assassinate a leading activist within the anti-Islam Pro NRW party in Germany, the leftist wing of the Jihad movement has taken up the cause. Yesterday Jörg Uckermann was pelted with an egg, the force of which knocked him to the ground, where he struck his head. He was later treated in hospital for concussion. Today he was assaulted and beaten up by a leftist mob as he tried to enter the council chamber to attend a debate.

The council meeting had to be called off shortly after it started. Hundreds of demonstrators had been gathering in from of the town hall since the early morning. Some from the left-wing spectrum had attacked the member of the Pro Köln group and prevented him entering the town hall, said a police spokesman. Three left-wingers were temporarily arrested.

Source: PI

In a scary instance of Soviet-style censorship, the story quoted above has since been altered to remove the reference to the attack on Uckermann. The original version can still be read on the PI site, at the link provided. The new, censored version is here.

The Pro NRW Facebook page reports that Uckermann and another party member were attacked and that one of them was kicked on the head and shoulder while on the ground. However, they defended themselves and were able to detain two of the leftists until the police arrived.

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