On November 26, I published here a letter from the General Counsel of the Roman Catholic diocese of Sacramento, proving that a central claim in the hate dossier on me at the Hamas-linked terror organization CAIR’s new Islamophobia website was false. In that post, I noted that CAIR would soon be hearing from my lawyers.
Evidently operatives at Hamas-linked CAIR read the post, as they adjusted their dossier to remove their libelous claims. In doing so, however, they added in a great deal more nonsense. It is telling that nothing in their dossier shows me making a single false statement about Islam or jihad. Instead, it is a record of their brownshirt victories in pressuring people to cancel me here and there, quotations from people they claim are associated with me saying things they claim are egregious, and only a handful of quotes from me, mind you, all misrepresented — despite 13 books, hundreds of articles, and 40,000 blog posts they could mine for material. But best of all is this:
Academics formally trained in Islamic studies, such as Dr. Carl Kenan and Dr. William Kenan at UNC-Chapel Hill, have flatly stated that Spencer’s views have “no basis in scholarship.”
As for Dr. William Kenan, he did exist, but he was not a professor of Islamic studies and did not have a doctorate. Rather, he was a wealthy businessman who gave large donations to UNC-Chapel Hill, and for whom the Kenan Center, Kenan Stadium and other buildings there are named. William Kenan died in 1965. I was three years old, and was no Mozartian prodigy; I wouldn’t publish anything about Islam or anything else for decades.
So CAIR removed its libel and replaced it with fiction.
I actually know the error they made here, but I am not going to reveal it — they will have to figure it out for themselves. In the meantime, this shows the laziness, carelessness, and fundamental dishonesty of their “Islamophobia” “database.” I will watch with great amusement for future “corrections.”