Hate Speech: CAIR to Comment?

In June, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) caused a stink in the Islamist world by condemning the anti-Semitic remarks of Sayel Kayed, a senior official at (frequent CAIR partner) American Muslims for Palestine. So virulent was the outrage from Islamists who claimed that CAIR “brown-nose[d]” to “Islamophobes,” that CAIR denied ever condemning Kayed’s bigotry in the first place.

This month, our favorite “justice and human rights” advocacy group seems to have learned its lesson and reverted to its earlier technique of ignoring Islamist hate speech completely—even when Islamist Watch contacted CAIR directly for comment.

In July, we blogged about Texas imam Omar Suleiman, who recently expressed deep dismay at the separation of immigrant families in the United States. Suleiman even went so far as to compare a Texas detention center to the concentration camps Nazis used to imprison and murder Jews.


His complaints over the destruction of families seem a bit hollow when one considers that Suleiman has justified familial honor killings, saying:

Sisters ... you know what happens with a really jealous Dad? He kills you and he kills the guy. You are offending Allah ... whenever you make yourself promiscuous or you open yourself up to a relationship.”

Suleiman has also called homosexuality a “repugnant, shameless sin” and justified historical sex slavery.

Since Suleiman frequently speaks for CAIR, we asked the group for comment on the family man’s contradictory remarks. Predictably, CAIR did not respond, preferring to overlook inconvenient instances of intolerance when those instances come from friendly fellow extremists.

Samantha Rose Mandeles
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